Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

The stairs were moving for her, leading her down as far as she could tell. Sarah still not sure how she knew the Labyrinth was planning something, followed what she assumed it wanted her to do.

So here she was walking around going somewhere, not knowing how she played into the Labyrinth's supposed plan. It needed her, but it would be wonderful to know what it wanted her to do. Sarah was slowly becoming angry.

Walking through yet another opening, Sarah stopped. Instead of more stairs greeting her, she found herself in a hedge garden with a fountain in the center. Slowly she walked towards the fountain, not seeing anyone else in the garden.

Sarah began to spin around as she continued towards the fountain. Where was she? What part of the Labyrinth was she in?

"Hello, Sarah. Finally, we meet in person."

A woman with long pale blonde hair and dressed in a long white gown walked out from behind one of the green hedges.

Sarah took a step back. "Who are you?"

The woman smiled as she walked towards her. "I'm not surprised you've never heard of me. I haven't allowed anyone to see me since the last Goblin King."

Shaking her head, Sarah took another step back. "That still doesn't answer my question."

"Ah, yes. I am the Labyrinth."

Sarah stood in shock. "The Labyrinth? I don't understand."

The woman walked to the fountain. "I am the spirit of the Labyrinth. I am its voice."

"I really don't understand. How are you the Labyrinth?"

The woman laughed. "I know to you this is odd, but I promise it is true. Allow me to explain it further."

"Please." Sarah nodded.

"The fact is I'm the, what is the best word? Ah, the spirit of the Labyrinth's creator. I connected my life force to the Labyrinth, which caused my death. Since then someone from my line has ruled here, but I control the Labyrinth."

"So why bring me here?"

"Simple. We must stop Tynan. He escaped my grasps twice, but not this time. Unfortunately, we don't have much time. History may repeat itself if we don't' hurry."

Frowning, Sarah moved towards the fountain. "What do you mean by that?"

The Labyrinth sighed. "You did notice Jareth getting weaker, didn't you?"

"Of course, I did. It would've been hard not to."

"Tynan has cast the same spell on him that killed his grandfather, but Jareth is stronger. It'll take longer, but Jareth is fading."

"So how do we defeat Tynan? I don't exactly have any way to fight him?" Wait, Jareth was dying?

The Labyrinth smiled. "That, my dear, is exactly why I brought you here. You are more powerful than you realize, after all, you solved me when no one has in a long time."

Sarah shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have any powers." She shrugged her shoulders, "I'm just me."

The Labyrinth walked towards her. "And just you is exactly what we need."

"I don't understand. Really, what can I do?"

Taking Sarah's hands into hers, the Labyrinth smiled. "My dear, you and I are the only ones who can stop him. I'm not as strong as I am normally because I've been dealing with that army, but together we will have the power to finally bring Tynan to justice."

"How do you plan to do that?"

Suddenly the Labyrinth looked up. "He's in the Room of Stairs. I've hidden Jareth as best as I can, but we need to hurry."

"But what are we going to do? I highly doubt a monologue is going to stop him." Sarah quickly shook her head.

"You'll know what to do, Sarah. Use your right words. Words have power."

Everything around Sarah slowly began to fade including the woman holding her hands.

"You are not alone. As long as you are within the Underground, you have allies you only need to call them."

Trying to grasp hold of the fading hands, Sarah yelled. "Wait! Don't go.!"

"You must face him alone. It is how it is done after all."

Sarah soon found herself standing on familiar stones and stairs. Quickly looking around, she fought the fear slowly overcoming her. How was she seriously supposed to fight against Tynan?

The stairs began to shift around her. Slowly she began to follow the path the room gave her. It didn't matter which way it lead because she knew at the end would be Tynan.

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