Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Things were going well, except for one thing. Where was she? Had the stupid idiots not told her that this was for her? Jareth did his best to hide his worry. So much hung on her coming. Not only his kingdom, which he would throw away for her, of course he knew better than to say that aloud, but his entire future. He slowly wandered among his guests. He highly doubted any of them knew of the fear slowly creeping into his heart.

He had already caught a glimpse of his parents as they waltzed around the small dance floor. At least, they seemed to be enjoying themselves. He needed to relax. Tonight Jareth would not chase her. No she was going to chase him, very much like she had the first time. He was done chasing.

Taking a deep breath, he moved to stand near the wall. Jareth needed to think about how exactly he was going to reveal that the Mysterious Woman from the last two balls was actually the Champion of the Labyrinth. The Fae were not going to be happy when it was revealed, he was sure. Of course, he didn't care what they thought.

The truth was it was his parents were the ones he was worried about. Well, his father, actually. Even though he had given permission before, the High King could always take it away.

Of course, he still had to ask Sarah, but Jareth had a very good feeling what her answer might be now that she was here.

Jareth looked towards the main doors as people began to spread slightly. Why had he taken out the stair case? He could had stood on it and watch for her. Slowly he moved towards the center of the room, looking as he went towards the entrance. As he neared the center, he had to hide a smile. There she was standing in a gown that sparkled like the stars. It was a vast improvement to the gown he had created for her, but at the same time it had almost the same feel.

She began to walk around the room through the crowd. He had no doubt she was looking for him. Glancing around, he sighed. He couldn't wait to have her in his arms again. So he began to make his way towards her, staying out of her sight. Then as he got closer, he allowed her to catch a glimpse of him. He smirked slightly as he lead her on his own game of cat and mouse through the dancers and other guests.

Sarah weaved through the crowd, following after him. He stayed just a few steps ahead or just out of sight, but he soon grew tired of the game.

Jareth stepped towards her from her side, placing a hand on her shoulder, causing her to turn, "Dance with me. We'll talk later."

She gave a slight nod, before he lead her to the dance floor.

Once on the floor, Jareth was so tempted to sing the song again to her, but he could she had something on her mind. She watched him with those cruel eyes. How had he not realized that it was her?

Soon he became lost in those cruel eyes.

"I thought this was in my honor or something. Shouldn't someone announce I'm here?"

He smiled slowly, "why the concern, Sarah?"

She frowned as he guided towards a pair of doors that blended almost completely into the wall "Hoggle said that if I didn't show it would cause problems. So shouldn't they know I'm here?"

Jareth nodded as he opened the doors, "in a moment, but first come with me we need to talk."

Sighing, Sarah held her chin up and walked through the door. He couldn't smiling as he followed her. He couldn't had been happier with her acting every inch the queen she was meant to be.


Outside the Castle it was still fairly calm. Music drifted out of the opened doors. Leaning against the wall, Hoggle did his best to relax. She was finally inside. The City was going about in its normal way, at least from his point of view.

No one inside the Goblin City knew what could be happening tonight. The truth was very few knew. There just might be a Goblin Queen fairly soon. That is as long as the Rat didn't mess it up.

He looked up at the start night sky. Sarah had picked the perfect thing to inspire the gown for tonight. She had looked so much better than most of the Fae women who were prancing around trying to get Jareth's attentions.

Hoggle stood up at the sound of heels on the stone steps. He looked over to see the High Queen standing. She scanned the area around her.

Upon seeing him she walked over to him, "I was starting to worry she wasn't coming."

Hoggle gave a slight smile, "he told Didymus, but Didymus didn't tell her. I think she was actually going to not go."

The High Queen nodded, "at least she showed up. None of those fools even realize who she is yet. Hopefully that son of mine won't mess it up."

Hoggle nodded, "just what I was thinking."

The High Queen looked out at the City, "I miss it here."

"Well, he could always take the throne early, and you could retire here."

She smiled at him, "Hoggle, you don't think that's the plan.". She sighed as she glanced back at the Castle, "well, I have to get back. It won't do for me to miss any of the good stuff.". She turned to head back inside.

"Evera, you'll make sure she's not hurt won't you?"

She turned back to face him, "of course. I like her, Hoggle. She's just what he needs. I'll try to let you know if anything big happens." After smiling at him one last time, she quickly went back in.

Hoggle leaned back against the wall. He was still worried, but Sarah would be fine. After all she had dealt with him before and had won. She could do it again.

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