Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Fear and dread filled him with the sight of her. What was the Labyrinth thinking? What was it planning by having her here? Jareth wasn't sure if he wanted to rage at her or the Labyrinth?

Sarah stood there like an avenging angel. So beautiful she hurt his eyes as he gazed up at her.

Jareth wished with all his might he could get up, but he knew that was useless. Whatever spell this was powerful. He needed to fight through the pain to discover a way to counteract it. Every spell had one. At least he hoped his old magic tutor was right about that.

"Well, well, you must be the mortal girl. You are not what I was expecting."

Jareth could see the frown on Sarah's face. She needed to run. To hell with whatever the plan was. Sarah needed to get away, far away.

Tynan moved closer to her. "This will be more fun than I thought." He began to walk slowly towards her until he suddenly stopped moving. "What the hell?"

"That's far enough, Tynan. It is time for to pay."

Jareth painfully turned his head towards his mother's voice. What was she doing here? His father stood beside her as did Sarah's friends. What was going on here?

"Was wondering when you were going to show up, Evera." He gave an overdramatic frown. "What no nice words for your "brother", dear 'sister'?"

Jareth watched as his mother frowned. "You are no brother of mine."

Tynan threw back his head. "At last, we agree on something. No matter what that old fool said, no wish away is anything to me."

His mother was a wish away? Jareth looked from his mother to Tynan. There was no family resemblance. Why had he not noticed it before?

His mother raised her chin. "Do as you wish, Labyrinth. I won't ask for mercy this time."

The massive room fell silent. Then a soft sweet voice filled the room. "Have no fear, Evera. I hold no ill towards you, and I never will. He is nothing more than a bug to be squashed now. Nothing more."

"I am the true ruler of this land. You will obey me." Tynan roared.

"You are nothing, boy. I know all of your crimes. Your heart is black. You would destroy everything."

"It's my kingdom!"

Jareth sat up slightly with the strength he didn't know he still possessed. "No, it's my kingdom."

Tynan turned slightly towards Jareth. "Your kingdom? You can't even stand."

Jareth, fighting more than ever against the pain, slowly sat up. Then using every ounce of strength he had, Jareth stood up on unsteady feet. "What was that?"

Tynan sneered at him then gave an evil grin. "You still don't have the power to stop me. No one here can stop me."

"That is where you are wrong, Tynan. You are not as powerful as you believe yourself to be." A beautiful woman walked slowly out of the shadows.

Tynan frowned at her. "Who are you?"

The woman moved closer to stand by Jareth, allowing him to notice the design woven into her simple gown. It actually seemed to move as she stood facing the intruder.

"I am the one who takes those who are unwanted. I am the sky above and the earth below. I am the Labyrinth."

Jareth stared at her. What did she mean she was the Labyrinth?

Tynan laughed. "Who are you really? The Labyrinth is nothing but stones and dust."

Suddenly the dwarf spoke up. "The Labyrinth is her people."

The woman nodded. "Well spoken, Hoggle."

"That means nothing. I will rule this land."

"That's what you think, but you're highly outnumbered. " Sarah walked up beside the woman.

Jareth looked over at Sarah. How had she gotten down there so fast? A better question was, why had she come down? She had been safer where she had been.

Tynan tilted his head slightly to the side. "Are all of you fools? Now I can get rid of you all at once and save myself the trouble of hunting you down."

The Labyrinth laughed. "You never did pay attention to your tutors, did you? You've already lost."

Jareth caught Sarah's frown before it diseases. What had she been told? And by whom?

Tynan raised his hand as if to form a crystal. "Enough! Time has come to end."

The Labyrinth smiled. "You can try."

A dark crystal appeared in his hand. "This kingdom is mine!" He tossed the crystal to the ground. Thick black smoke began to fill the room.

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