Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Jareth stood in his mother's sitting room, "Mother, where are you hiding her?"

High Queen Evera looked at her son over the rim of her tea cup, "hiding who, Jareth? Seriously, why would I hide someone?"

Jareth glared at his mother, "you know very well who I'm talking about, Mother. Where is Sarah?"

His mother sat her cup down into the saucer, "really, Jareth, do you think I keep tabs on your lovely fiancee? I believe that's your job." She sat the saucer down on the table beside her.

"Mother, you were the last to see her. I know you've been hiding her since she arrived in the Underground."

His mother frowned, "Jareth, take a seat and allow me to pour you some tea."

Sighing, Jareth walked over to the chair on the other side of the small table. As he sat down, his mother poured some tea into another cup.

"Mother, please. I only wish to talk to her," he lifted the saucer off the table once she was finished.

"Jareth, she is very busy working with me to plan the wedding. The poor girl needs sometime to herself."

"Mother, please."

High Queen Evera sighed, "I'll try to set something up."

Jareth smiled a pointy grin at her, "thank you, Mother."

She lifted her saucer and cup from the table, "now you are allowing the staff at the Castle to rest aren't you?"

"Of course, but the goblins are very excited. They are preparing for her arrival. I gave an order, and yet, they are still doing as they wish."

"You can never doubt a goblin's loyalty. Now is there anything else, or did you come all this way to inquire about Sarah?"

Jareth sighed, "Mother, I have no doubt she's safe. I only wish to have a conversation with her."

Evera nodded, "I can understand, seeing as the first one you ever had with the girl ended with you proposing."

Jareth hung his head slightly, "Mother, I wish to..."

"Jareth, I'm not the one you need to explain things to. I'll set up a proper meeting, and then you can explain what you wish to Sarah."

Jareth hung his head lower, "yes, Mother."

Evera smiled, "good. Now if you are done, you may be on your way."

Jareth slowly raised his head. Why when it came to his mother he still felt like a child being scolded? Taking a deep breath, he glanced at the tea cup still sitting on the saucer in his hand. Knowing it would be extremely rude of him to not finish it before leaving, he lifted the cup and took a sip.

His mother gave a slight smirk, "Jareth, I promise I won't think less of you, if you wish to leave without finishing your tea. I know you have much to do to prepare for Sarah. Now get a move on."

Jareth sat his cup and saucer on the table gently,"yes, Mother."

Conjuring a crystal, Jareth gave his mother a nod, "I hope to hear from you soon about the meeting, Mother."

"It shouldn't take me long to arrange it."

Giving her another nod, he tossed the crystal into the air transporting himself back to his study.


Sarah sat nice and comfy at a table just outside Hoggle's little house with her friends sitting around her. Each of them had a mug of tea, some bigger than others. Didymus and Ludo were looking at her, while Hoggle was refusing to meet her eye.

"Hoggle, please say something," Sarah pleaded with him.

The dwarf didn't speak. He looked deeper into his mug.

Sir Didymus huffed, "Sir Hoggle, tis unseemly for thou to act in such a manner."

Hoggle took a gulp of his tea, while Ludo tilted his head slightly.

Sarah frowned at her friend, "Hoggle, you told me I had to go. You know what is at stake. Why are you acting like I've done something wrong?"

Sighing, Hoggle lifted his eyes, "Sarah, I'm just worried about you. You don't know how cruel the Fae can be."

"I have an idea cause of how a certain king acts."

Hoggle shook his head, "Jareth's in love with you, Sarah. He tries to take your feelings into consideration. Most Fae won't be as kind as him. They see you as nothing more than a servant or worst."

"I know most think I'm beneath them, even though I solved the Labyrinth. Do really think I can't deal with them?"

"Sarah, they aren't like the girls at your high school. Okay they are a lot like them, but they have powers, which you don't."

Tilting her head slightly, Sarah placed her mug on the table, "I doubt I be alone with anyone for awhile. I'm also pretty sure once I marry him I'll be almost untouchable."

"To a point, Sarah, dear, but you need not worry about those fools."

The group of friends all turned and looked towards the little gate of Hoggle's fence to find the High Queen standing with her hands held in front of her.

Sarah stood up quickly, "Your Majesty." She tried to give a quick curtsy, but Evera walked up and waved her hand, "you don't need to do that, Sarah. Please return to your seat, my dear."

Sarah slowly sat back as the High Queen came closer.

Sir Didymus stood and gave a bow, "Your Majesty.'

"Sir Didymus, please have a seat. I came only to speak to Sarah. I won't take long I promise." The little fox sat back in his chair.

"What do you wish to speak to me about, Your Majesty?"

"My son is requesting to see you. So I've come to arrange a time for you to come to the High Palace so that he and you may talk."

Sarah glanced at Hoggle, "I'm sure the Cook won't allow me a rest so soon after this."

Evera gave a slow smile, "my dear, he can't refuse a request from me. I highly doubt my son will be having any balls or any other entertainment for awhile. So I'm sure the Cook won't miss you for a few days."

Sarah glanced at Hoggle. She was really starting to see where Jareth got a lot of his personality from.

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