Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Standing by the windows in her room, Sarah frowned. He was late. Jareth was actually late. She glanced at the clock on the mantle. He was still late. What was taking him so long? He should have come to get her thirty minutes ago. Well, him or the chaperone. She wasn't exactly sure who was to come get her.

Sighing, she moved away from the windows. There wasn't too much to worry about. She would be protected from his discovering where she was hiding. So she didn't need to worry about that. There was nothing to suggest that dinner shouldn't go well. Absolutely nothing, but she still felt apprehensive about the entire thing.

She turned as someone knocked on the door. Sarah quickly walked to the door.

Opening it she smile, "about time..Hoggle?"

Hoggle stood in the hallway dressed rather nicely, "I'm here to chaperone you and the rat for your dinner tonight."

Sarah frowned slightly, "she asked you?"

Hoggle huffed, "more like demanded. I've got the crystal to stop him, too. We better get going. Made me change and everything."

Sarah gave him a smile, "well, you do look handsome."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get a move on. I'm sure that rat doesn't know it's me yet."

Sarah gave a slight nod before following after her friend, "why did she ask you?"

Hoggle shrugged, "not really sure, but it more than likely cause I won't take anything from him."

"It doesn't make sense. First he was always talking to you in the garden, but while I was running the Labyrinth..."

"Err, yeah. We're actually friends. Sometimes he has asked me to act frighten of him. That's what happened. Truth is he wouldn't really hurt me. Although I'm sure he has come close."

Sarah frowned as they walked on ward. What else didn't she know?


Where were they? Jareth paced in front of the entrance to the small dining room. The chaperone should had already gathered Sarah and had arrived. What was taking so long? He highly doubted that Sarah was taking forever to prepare. More than likely she was or had been waiting on the chaperone to arrive.

He stopped pacing and leaned against the wall next to the door. Was the fool his mother had asked to chanperone going to make tonight a disaster? Yes, he was going to try and get her to tell him where she was hiding, but was that so bad. Didn't he have a right to know where Sarah was?

Sighing, he closed his eyes. Why was his mother being so difficult? Yes, he had made mistakes while Sarah had been running the Labyrinth, but that had been then. Now hadn't he proven he wasn't same? Had he not done all he could to prove he wasn't the same? So why were they so determined to keep her hidden? Any fool who wished to cause her harm would nor only face him but the entire Labyrinth.

Voices soon began to drift down the corridor. Voices that were familiar. Very familiar. Why was Hoggle with Sarah?

He opened his eyes and moved away from the wall. When they rounded the corner of the corridor, he stood with his hands on his hips.

"Well, well. What have we here?"

Hoggle huffed at, "don't start. Your mother made me Sarah's chaperone. I don't want to here any less than you want me here."

Jareth lowered his hands, "she asked you? Seriously?"

"Yeap. So can we get this dinner started. I'll try to stay out of the way, but no asking where Sarah's hiding. Your mother gave me something to stop your magic if you try anything, too."

Jareth frowned, "why you?"

Hoggle shrugged, "I don't know, but like I told Sarah. Who else can deal with the two of you?"

Jareth nodded, "good point." He looked over at Sarah, "allow me to escort you inside. Dinner is ready and waiting on us."

Sarah nodded, "sounds good to me."

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