Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Jareth survived the main hall of his castle. Nothing seemed too destroyed. Well, not more destroyed than usual. So Tynan's forces had never been able to reach the Castle.

"Where do you think everyone is?" Sarah was also looking around the Grand Entrance Hall.

Jareth shrugged. "More than likely the throne room."

"Do you think they know?" Sarah frowned slightly.

"Possibly. Tynan's storm has disappeared."

Sarah nodded. "Well, we better get this over. After all, we have a lot of work to do."

"And a wedding to finish planning." Jareth grinned at her as she glared at him. "What? We need to begin preparing again, Precious. Also, you don't have to hide anymore."

"Which is why she will be returning to the High Palace with us."

The couple turned to see Jareth's parents and Sarah's friends standing behind them in a hug. Some with tears in their eyes.

High Queen Evera walked to them and wrapped an arm around each of them. "I had begun to lose hope." She rested her forehead against her son's shoulder.

Jareth hugged his mother, as best he could. "You know I'm stronger than I seem."

The High Queen raised her head and looked at him. "We are not invincible, Jareth. Immortal, yes, but we can be killed."

Jareth rolled his eyes. "I know that."

Evera gave him that look all mothers have causing him to hang his head slightly. "Don't forget that." She turned to Sarah. "I knew you were the one."

Jareth huffed. "I have to say I knew she was different before you."

Evera glared at him. "King or not, I am still your mother." She lowered her arms and stepped back. "I'm afraid the wedding will be delayed until we've repaired the City Wall along with the damage at the High Palace." She looked over at her husband. "Agreed?"

"Yes." The High King nodded.

Jareth groaned. Were his parents planning to torture him? The damages could take weeks if not months.

"Oh, Jareth, calm down. You'll live, but we need to deal with the damages done to the Labyrinth and the traitors before it would be safe to hold the wedding." Evera shook her head.

Hoggle walked up to them ringing his hands in front of him. "You two are alright, then?"

Giving a nod, Sarah smiled at the dwarf. "We're fine, Hoggle."

Lifting his chin and poofing out his chest, the dwarf dropped his hands to his sides. "Good, then I can yell at him about allowing you to get in danger."

"Sir Hoggle, thou must restraint thyself." Sir Didymus took a step towards his friend but stopped moving forward when Jareth held up his hand.

"Hoghead, I didn't lead her anywhere. She walked into it."

Sheepishly tilting her head, Sarah frowned at him. "I was following the Labyrinth's orders."

Jareth turned to look at her. "You can't be so trusty. You could've been really hurt."

Groaning, Sarah glared at him. "I was following my instincts. It's never been wrong."

"And they won't. You've inherited many gifts from your bloodline."

Once again everyone turned towards the Spirit of the Labyrinth. Who now stood in front of the grand doors of the Grand Entrance.

"Her bloodline? Great one, what are you talking about? Sarah is just an ordinary girl." Queen Evera frowned.

The Spirit smiled. "My dear, she is no ordinary girl. Jareth would be the first to tell you that." She walked towards the pair. "And yes, her bloodline." She stopped in front of Sarah.

The mortal girl shook her head. "We're just normal mortals, I promise you."

The ancient being shook her head. "Not on your mother's side. That woman still thinks she'll gain something that was never hers, to begin with."

Sarah frowned. "What?"

"Relax, Child. She wants eternal beauty, if not life. Linda learned of her Fae blood, but not what was needed to reignite that blood."

Sarah frowned. "Meaning? I don't understand, sorry."

"You have Fae blood in veins."

Sarah sighed. "That I got. What does reignite my blood mean?"

"Simply, Sarah." The Spirit spoke. "Your solving of the Labyrinth, protecting its people, and King has brought your Fae blood to life." She took hold of Sarah's hand. "There is no difference between you and anyone with full Fae blood now. You have the same protections as they do, and more."

Jareth frowned. "How can she have more protections than a normal Fae?"

"Simple. She has me to watch over her." The Spirit smiled coyly. "After all, I did allow her to win." The Spirit of the Labyrinth slowly faded from view leaving the others in the Grand Entrance Hall.

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