Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Sarah slowly opened her eyes. She could only feel the pressure of Jareth's head laying in her lap and none of the pain from before. Quickly, she looked down at his face. He was still out. Frowning, she looked down at Jareth again. He was now tossing a bit. As quick as she could, Sarah grabbed his arms. "Jareth! Stop."

His eyes began fluttering. Then slowly they opened as he settled down. "Please tell me, we aren't dead."

Sarah smiled. "No, but the Labyrinth's gone."

Slowly, Jareth sat up. "We're in the center."

Looking around, Sarah frowned. "The center of what?"

"The Labyrinth. Last time I was here I became the Goblin King."

Sarah shrugged. "I just thought it was a garden. A magical garden."

Jareth stood up, slowly. "I thought you had learned. Nothing is what it seems."

"Haha. Do you think you have the strength to help me up?"

Smirking, Jareth held his hand down to her. "I believe I do."

Gingerly Sarah placed her hand in his and used him as an anchor to pull herself up. Jareth actually had to help steady her.

"Are you all right?" Jareth frowned.

"Think so. I don't think I was sitting like that for long."

Jareth nodded as he looked around. "The Labyrinth was here with you?"

"Who do you think sent me there? She should be here."

Jareth released her hand before slowly walking to the fountain. "Nothing seems a miss. It looks the same as it did when I was last here." He looked around the garden.

"Jareth, I'm worried. She was right beside me er us when I passed out." Sarah walked over to him.

"I don't think we need to worry. Everything here is still green. I don't think I pulled too much power from her. Otherwise, the garden wouldn't continue to look like this." Jareth continued to look around for a moment. "We should return to the Castle. We have a lot of work ahead of us."

Looking at him, Sarah nodded. "At least, the City Wall needs to be repaired."

Smiling Jareth nodded. "Then shall we get going, Precious?"


High Queen Evera paced in front of the Goblin Throne. High King Diedrick stood near the sunken window, while Sarah's three friends sat on the edge of the pit in the middle of the room.

The sky outside was dark and cloudy. Thunder could be heard in the distance. It could a sign of trouble. Queen Evera knew that. It could also e nothing. She should have gone with them. Yes, the High Queen knew Sarah was more than she seemed, but the child might not be enough to break the spell.


Everyone in the room turned to look at the Spirit of the Labyrinth standing in the doorway leading up to the Room of Stairs."

"Great one?" Evera slowly walked towards the Spirit. "Any news?"

The Labyrinth walked down the stairs towards the others. "It's in Sarah's hands now."

Queen Evera nodded. "Very well."

The spirit sighed. "I have a tale to tell you."

Evera took a tiny step towards her. "Great one, surely this isn't the..."

The spirit held up her hand. "Evera, you need to hear this." The Labyrinth took a deep breath. "Once the Goblin Kingdom was not seen as powerful as it truly was. Well, it isn't even now. Anyway, the king at the time had fallen in love with a princess from a powerful kingdom, and she with him. Her family was against the marriage, but they married in secret with my blessing."

The great being paused for a moment, looking at the dwarf and old knight. Both remained where they were and silent. Neither dared to speak.

She took another deep breath, as if to calm her nerves, before continuing on with the tale. " Her family tried to marry her off multiple times, but she with my help found ways to get out of the arrangements. The couple had planned to bring the princess here, but there was a problem."

Looking at the floor, The Labyrinth lowered her head. "A child. The princess learned she was carrying a child, and not too much later so did her parents. They locked her in a tower, where neither the king nor even I could reach her to help her escape. That poor child barely made it through the birth. With her last breath, she wished her daughter away to her father. It took all the power I had to stop the king from declaring war on the princess's family."

"That's a fascinating story, Great one, but what does it have to do with now?" Evera frowned.

The spirit walked over to the High Queen. "It's simple, Evera. It's your story."

The frown changed to a look of shook on the High Queen's face. "So even though I was a wish-away..."

"You were always the rightful heir. Tynan was also a wish away. He was just too young to remember. Your father had thought to make him his heir until he met your mother."

Evera shook her head. "I can't believe it. Why didn't he tell me?"

"He didn't want your mother's family coming after him, to try and reclaim you, if they actually cared to try."

Frowning, Evera glanced at Diedrick. "Who is my mother's family?"

The Labyrinth smirked. "Who do you think?"

Anger filled her. "Those bastards. Diedrick, they're first on the list to be dealt with."

"Remember they don't know who you truly are."

"Doesn't matter. They will be punished because they dared to side with Tynan." King Diedrick stepped closer to his wife.

The Labyrinth looked over at the High King. "I am aware of that, Your Majesty. But remember they have not only that but their daughter's blood on their hands. A crime they have yet to pay for."

Queen Evera nodded. "We will remember, Great one."

The Labyrinth smiled. "I know." The spirit paused, looking towards the ceiling. "I believe we'll have news soon."

Worry filled the room. "Is it good or bad?" Evera wrapped her arms around herself.

"You don't have long to wait for the answer you seek."

Evera frowned as she shared a glance with her husband.

Suddenly, Hoggle stood up pointing out the window. "Look!"

The others in the room turned towards the window. Beyond the opened space, blue sky, and sunshine had replaced the storm from earlier. Birds could be heard chirping in the distance.

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