Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

What was with all the balls? Had it really been only been a few weeks since the last one? Sarah shook her head slightly as she walked towards the vegetable garden. Here she was yet again gathering ingredients to create a feast because he just had to throw a ball. Was he expecting her to make another appearance? She still didn't know if it was true or not. That damn rumor was haunting her. That rumor she just had to know if it was true. She still could understand the need to know if the Goblin King had wanted to marry her. It was even worse now because of what she had over heard those two Fae women had said. If he had indeed gotten approval of the High King? She didn't really want to think what that might mean if he discovered or realized she was here?

She stopped under one of the trees lining the path. She was beginning to think he might not harm her if he found out, but that didn't mean she was going to take off the coat. Sarah frowned as voice filtered from the vegetable garden. Damn, he was there again. Why was the Goblin King talking with Hoggle? They hadn't seemed so buddy buddy when she had run the Labyrinth.

Well, she had to get the damn vegetables. She almost wished she could throw something at the Goblin King. Did he not know how much work went into getting the food not to mention the rest of the Castle ready? You would think they would use magic more often to get things done.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah continued on ward to the garden.


Who was she? Why had she seemed so familiar? Felt so familiar? She had seemed so uncertain and lost. Leaning against the fence, he watched the dwarf work. What had called to him to her?

He glanced around him. Why was he talking to the dwarf again? Yes, the little coward seemed to be on good terms with his mother, but that didn't explain why he kept coming to talk to him. He refused to believe she was the reason.

He had gone through so much trouble for her and yet she had thrown it all away. He refused to even think she might have been too young or that she hadn't realized what he had been asking. That didn't matter. No, his life and his kingdom was doomed to a queen that would fail them in the end.

"Are you going to say something or just stand there all day?"

Drawn out of his musings, the Goblin King drowned at the dwarf., "you dare to address your king as such, Hogwort?."

The dwarf huffed and turned his head towards him. "You've been standing there looking off into the distance. No doubt thinking either about that lady from the ball or Sarah."

"You know better than to say her name."

"Why? We both know that you are being force to marry cause of what happened."

The King glared at him, "don't push it, Dwarf."

The dwarf stood up and turned towards him. "You do realize that everyone is worried over this. We don't want someone else, but because you never went to check on her we've lost her."

The King frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Use those pretty crystals of yours and you'll see. She's no longer in the Mortal realm."

"What do mean?"

"Sarah's not Above any more. Hopefully who ever you choose to marry is worthy."

He almost conjured a crystal to prove the dwarf wrong. "I refuse to fall for your trick. No doubt she's off enjoying herself or living realizing what I offered was better than she has at the moment."

The Goblin King looked over at the gate. There was that goblin from the Kitchens again. No doubt she was here to gather things to prepare for the coming ball. The Cook had told him that she kept to herself mostly, but that a certain trio paid her a visit every so often,

She opened the gate and walked into the garden slowly. He didn't know what he had done to cause her to fear him so much. He actually wasn't that cruel. In fact, compared to most Far he was down right generous.

"I'll leave you to help her, Hogsmeat, but don't think I will forget what you said."

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