Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Fear and dread filled a very familiar garden. Sitting with Jareth's head in her lap as he mumbled, Sarah watched as sweat poured off of him.

He hadn't released her hand. There had even been a moment his gripped tightened. What was happening inside his mind? Something had to be going on that neither she nor the Labyrinth knew.

Jareth's grip on her hand tightened again. Gently she reapplied the water soaked cloth to his forehead.

"He isn't getting any better." Sarah looked from his face to the Spirit of the Labyrinth, who was pacing nearby.

The Labyrinth sighed. "What am I missing? There has to be something I'm missing."

"I think his fever has gotten worst."

The Labyrinth walked over to Sarah and Jareth and placed her hand on his forehead. "I think you're right. The water from the fountain doesn't seem to be helping at all."

Her hand slowly fell away. "I don't know what to do."

Tears began to fall down Sarah's cheeks. "Does he need strength or power? He has to need something you haven't thought of."

The Labyrinth scooted away. "I truly don't know, Sarah."

Sarah hung her head over Jareth's face, allowing her tears to fall on his face. Had they truly no hope? They still had to have hope. She refused to give up on him. Leaning closer, she whispered. "You have to tell me how to help you."

Sarah glanced up at the Labyrinth as she leaned against the fountain, clearly distraught. What could they be missing? What tiny but important thing could it be?

Pushing a strand of hair out of her face, Sarah hiccuped. There wasn't anything more she could do. She didn't have any magic. She was

She quickly raised her head. "What can I do?"

Turning to face her, the Labyrinth frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Sarah took a deep breath. "I think I can help him, but I'm not sure how."

Shaking her head, the Labyrinth walked back towards her. "Sarah, there isn't anything we can do."

"If we don't try something not only is his life in danger but yours and all the citizens of the Underground."

Slowly, the Labyrinth nodded. "You finally realized what truly is at stake."

"There has to be something I can do." Sarah cradled Jareth's head in her hand slightly.

The Labyrinth took a breath. "There might be, but I can't promise your safety."

Sarah nodded. "I understand, but if there is a chance to save him and everyone else, we have to try."

The Labyrinth knelt down beside Sarah. "Remember things aren't always what they seem, Sarah. You can't let your guard down."

Sarah frowned. "You know more than you're saying."

"Even I have rules I must follow, Child." She held her hand out to Sarah. "Are you ready?"

Slowly Sarah placed her in the Labyrinth's. Then the Spirit placed her other hand on top of Sarah's. "Close your eyes."

Closing her eyes, Sarah frowned.

"Forgive me, Child."

Suddenly, Sarah felt sick. She wasn't sure what her body wanted. She felt nauseated and her stomach was doing flips. Before her closed eyes, colors began flashing. Sarah could feel herself beginning to fall over, but she could also feel someone or something steadying her. Then she began to become exhausted.

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