Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The Royal Gardens of the Palace were beyond beautiful. They were so grand with their paved paths and massive fountains. It looked so much like a manicured English garden; Sarah had thought for a moment that they had entered her old world.

"We better hurry, my dear. I highly doubt that son of mine will stay where I told him."

Sarah glanced over at the High Queen as she walked up behind her,"I think he would understand that it takes time to get ready."

Queen Evera laughed, "he should, but I'm sure he just snaps his fingers. Most Fae, dear, use magic to dress themselves."

The two women began walking along a path, with Queen Evera leading the way.

Sarah looked over at the woman beside her, "really?"

Evera nodded, "depends on the Fae. I did when I was Goblin Queen to be able to be ready at a moment's notice, but now I doubt."

"You were the Goblin Queen?" Sarah looked at her shock.

"You thought it was his father?"

Sarah nodded, "yes, actually."

"Sorry, Sarah, but I was the Goblin Queen before Jareth. His father had to really convince me that he was ready before I gave the title fully to him."

They rounded a corner of the hedge walls.

"I actually miss the simpler life at the Castle. Yes, I had to deal with the wishers, but for the most part I enjoyed it."

Sarah had noticed how much busier it was here versus the Castle. There was almost always a guest of some importance at the Palace. Of course, she was an important guest, but she wasn't as demanding as most.

Soon Sarah could hear voices. She had a very good idea to whom they belonged. Hopefully, the lunch went as well as she could hope.


Jareth was not happy. He didn't want his parents here, but no they had to be chaperoned. His father was sitting at the table set for four, already.

"Jareth, I know you would rather not have us, but I know that you would not want the girl's reputation to be tarnished."

He turned towards his father, "I don't care what those fools think about her."

The High King sighed, "I know. I was the same about your mother, but you need to still care, Son."

Jareth hung his head slightly, "I know."

"You're more upset with the girl hiding from you, aren't you?"

"I can't understand why Mother is hiding her?"

"She has to have her reasons, Son. Although, not even I can see why she's hiding the girl?"

"I know there are some who do not think she is worthy to marry me, but would they be a danger to her?"

The High King leaned back in his chair a bit, "depends on who. Some I know are just talk, but others might be a problem."

Jareth groaned, "that wasn't what I was hoping to hear."

"I would assume as much. Jareth, I highly doubt even without your mother's help that the girl is in much danger. From what little I know of it, the Labyrinth will protect her."

Jareth nodded. The Labyrinth would protect. There were times he wished his father understood the Labyrinth more he did. His mother hadn't even told him all she knew. Although, she told him he would learn over the centuries. That still filled him with dread.

Suddenly, his father stood up, "I believe they are here."

Jareth turned towards the sound of heels on the path as his mother and Sarah walked up. Hopefully this lunch would not be a disaster.

His father walked over and kissed his mother on the cheek, "you look lovely, my lovely."

His mother smiled, "what have you done?"

"Why, my dear, would you think I've done something?"

She laughed, "because I know you." She then glanced at Sarah, "watch out when they start being extra sweet. It means they're up to something."

Sarah gave a slight nod, but remained quiet.

His father glanced over at him, "but those time are rare, and you've always enjoyed the surprise."

His mother glared at him, "now is not the time," she glanced back at Sarah, "well, let's begin our little lunch. We ladies unfortunately don't have much time before we have to go and begin planning the wedding."

His father frowned, "don't pull what you did with ours."

"Now, dear, what ever do you mean," his mother walked past him and to the table, with Sarah not far off behind her.

Now Jareth was more afraid of what his mother had planned than he had been. What horrors was his mother going to put him through over the next few months? After sharing a quick glance at his father, the two men joined the women at the table.

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