Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Standing in the shadows hidden from view, High Queen Evera listened to what the lesser monarchs were gossiping about the news of Jareth's betrothal to the Lady of the Labyrinth.

"I can't believe that the High King and Queen are actually allowing King Jareth to wed a mortal!"

"I agree. It is something I had never though to witness."

Evera shook her head slightly. That was what she had expected of them. They thought so little of Sarah because of her birth. She did not worry about what most thought it was the few that would grain greatly if Jareth lost his throne, but they had left as soon as the announcement had been made.

She had a feeling they would be a pain in their side later, but there wasn't much they could do. Sarah would be safe from them. Her disguise would hold up. Now she would need to stay in hiding. Also, she would need more gowns. She had already worn the only three she had, but that was something for later. Now she would relax. Her son's future was protected, even if she might have angered her future daughter-in-law.


Raising an eyebrow slightly, Jareth looked at his father, "what are you talking about, Father? I have not made an announcement yet."

High King Diedrick smiled at his son, "your mother and I have already taken care of that," he turned towards Sarah, "and you must be Lady Sarah. A pleasure to finally meet you."

Jareth noticed Sarah give his father a quick curtsy and a "yes, your majesty."

Jareth shook his head, "that's impossible. Sarah only just now agreed to marry me."

Diedrick looked between the two of them, "Jareth, didn't your mother tell you? Our choice for you has always been Lady Sarah. We'll be able to delay the wedding much longer than you would be able to, if need be."

Jareth shook his head. His parents had gone behind his back to be sure that he would not lose his throne or crown. Having declared it, they had taken away Sarah's choice. The one thing he had refused to take from her.

"Father, would it had been too much to ask that you and mother speak to me, before making such an announcement?"

His father walked towards him, as he glanced over at Sarah, "Jareth, now is not the time to speak of this."

Frowning, Jareth glanced over at Sarah. That couldn't be a good thing. Why would they hide her and now do this?

Sarah took a step forward, "Sir, er, Your Majesty, surely I have some say in all of this."

The High King looked at her and sighed, "I do not wish for us to start off on the wrong foot, my dear lady, but my word is law. I know that you are confused and scared, but I can promise that my wife and I will make sure you have all the help will you need to adjust."

Sarah nodded, "I'm sorry if I came off as rude, but I'm just used to having a say in my life."

Diedrick smiled at her, "I understand, my lady. Have no fears, we won't do this again. We just couldn't take the chance you would say no."

Jareth looked up at the side entrance of the throne to see his mother walking back into the room.

"If you'll excuse us, Gentlemen, Sarah and I need to have a little chat."

"Mother, you've already had one."

Evera smiled at him, "don't worry, Jareth. I'm not trying to scare the poor child."

Jareth watched as Sarah walked to his mother and then watched as the two women left. He then turned to his father, "should we worry about what Mother has planned?"

"When have we ever not?"

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