Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Hoggle was bored. Well, beyond bored. He had to sit and watch these two make googly eyes at each other. Oh, he was fine not being offered anything to eat. Of course, Sarah was not happy with that fact. He had just shook his head slightly as he had headed to his chair. There he sat trying not to dozy off. How could the two of them be so boring?

Hoggle hid a yawn behind his hand. What had he done to have Evera punish him with this? Had she known that Jareth was actually going to be proper, well at least for him? That of course didn't mean that he was going to get rid of the crystal he held in his hand. Oh, no, that was staying right where it was until this little date was over.


"You should've at least planned something for the chaperone to eat."

Jareth almost groaned. He hadn't know it was Hoggle. His mother hadn't told him. He had even offered to get the dwarf something. Was tonight not going to go as he had planned at all?

Sighing, he looked across the table at Sarah. She was being polite of course, but that had him worried. Was she holding not having a meal for Hogwarts against him? She hadn't spoke much since they had sat down. What had he done?

Sarah looked up from her plate, "you aren't even going to try and ask?"

He gave a slight smile, "I'm not about to deal with what ever my mother has hidden in that crystal."

Sarah tilted her head to the side, "you've already tried to deactivate haven't you?"

"Actually, no. I don't want to find out what she would deem as punishment."

Sarah nodded as she lifted up her wine glass, "she does remind me of someone who is always threatening people with some type of punishment." She hid a smile behind her glass.

Hoggle huffed from his chair, "you have no idea."

He glared at the dwarf, "you're still my subject, Hogsmeat."

"You can't do anything to me, remember. Besides right now I'm in the service of the High Queen. You can't touch me."

Sarah sighed, "stop it you two."

Jareth pointed towards the dwarf, "he started it."

Sarah glared at him, while the dwarf smiled slightly. She then turned towards the dwarf, whom shifted on his seat. After a moment, she turned back to him.

Jareth picked up his wine glass and took a sip, as Sarah sat down her glass.

"Jareth, I know you want to know where I am. Just know I'm safe, okay."

He sat his glass down, sighing, "I know that. You have no idea how cruel people are."

"I have an idea. Want to hear why I came back?"

He smiled slightly, "you know I do, Sarah. I've actually thought about it a few times."

"Oh, it's simple. My father and step mother demanded that either I marry a complete idiot or move out."

Jareth's eyes grew wide, "what?"

"Yeap, he was an accountant at my father's office. He played my father and got on his good side, but he was only using him."

Jareth took a few breaths to calm himself, "they actually ordered you to marry him?"

"Yeah, I slapped the door in their faces after telling them I would be out by the end of the week."

Jareth closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened his eyes, he frowned at her, "what about Toby?"

Tears began to fill her eyes, "they turned him against me." A tear slowly fell down her face, "they poisoned him against me. They decided to hire a nanny for him. They made me feel like a prisoner almost a slave in that house, and he treated me the same way."

Jareth quickly moved his chair back and stood up. He walked over to her, bent down slightly, and wrapped his arms around her. Sarah turned and began crying on his shoulders.

After everything she had done for the boy, his parents had taken away the one person in that house that actually had cared about him. The fools.

After a few moments, Sarah pulled away slightly from Jareth,whom lowered his arms from her, "sorry, I got you all wet."

Jareth glanced at his damp shoulder, "it's nothing." He turned slightly to glare at the dwarf, "I do wish that someone has told me everything."

Sarah wiped at her face, "leave him be. I didn't tell him everything."

Jareth looked back at her, "any more secrets?" He smiled at her, "besides where you're hiding."

Sarah shook her head, "no."

Jareth sighed and slowly stood up, "we can go to the garden, if you don't feel like eating anymore." He glanced back at Hoggle, who nodded.

Shaking her head, Sarah wiped at her eyes, "I'm fine. We can go later, but at the moment, let's finish eating our dinner."

Jareth stood up fully, "all right." He walked back to his chair and sat down.

Sarah wiped at her eyes again, "sorry about this. I haven't actually thought about them in awhile."

Jareth nodded, "it's all right, Sarah." Even knowing that it might not repair the damaged cause, he would try to do something to show that foolish boy how much sister loved him more than his parents and deal with those fools for parents. Even his mother would approve of trying something.

Sarah lifted up her wine glass and took a sip, as Jareth picked up his fork.

Suddenly, High Queen Evera appeared beside the table, "I'm sorry to disrupt, but we have call this date over, I'm afraid."

Jareth frowned, "Mother, what's going on?"

Evera sighed, "those fools have decided to declare war on your father and you."

Sarah's eyes grew wide slightly.

The High Queen gave her a smile, "don't worry, Dear. Everything will be fine, but I'm afraid you have back into hiding."

Sarah slowly nodded, as Jareth groaned.

That was the last thing he wanted or needed. He watched as Sarah slowly pushed her chair back and stood up.

"I'm ready to leave as soon as you wish, Ma'am."

His mother nodded and then glanced at Hoggle, "for the moment, Hoggle, you'll have to stay here."

The dwarf nodded as Evera took hold of Sarah's hand and disappeared.

Jareth leaded back into his char. Nothing was ever going to go as planned was it? Absolutely nothing.

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