Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The last couple of days had been really tough on Sarah. No one in the house talked to her, which was fine with her. She only came home to grab a quick bite before going to bed. Now, the house was quiet. Everyone else was asleep. Sarah sat at her vanity waiting for word from Hoggle. Hopefully, he had found a way.


She almost jumped in her seat, but slowly turned towards the mirror. "Hoggle, don't do that."

He smiled weakly. "Sorry, I've got news."

Nodding, Sarah leaned towards the mirror. "And?"

Hoggle took a deep breath. "I got a disguise for you and a gift from someone."

Sarah moved back slightly, "I don't know about the gift part."

Hoggle passed the coat through, "It's something for you to use to pack. It'll be easier to move with than what you got."

Sarah took the coat and looked at it. "I don't understand how this is a disguise."

"All she said was that those who really know you will see past it, but that rat won't."

Sarah looked up from it, "Can she be trusted?"

Hoggle nodded, "Yea."

Sighing, Sarah stood up and laid the coat on her bed. "So what's this gift she sent?"

Hoggle held out a small box as Sarah turned around. "This."

Gingerly, she reached forward and took it from him. "It's a box."

"Nothing's what it seems remember. It'll hold quite a bit from what I'm told, but don't go crazy."

Sarah nodded, "Give me a few more days to pack."

Hoggle frowned, "Call me when your ready, Sarah."

Sarah smiled weakly at him, "See you in a few days Hoggle."

"Bye Sarah." Slowly he faded from view leaving Sarah alone.

Taking a moment to gather herself, Sarah walked over to her closet. Opening the door, she began to pull out jeans, leggings, and a few comfy shirts. Mostly they were things she could wear and hopefully not cause too much trouble. After cleaning out most of her closet, she walked over to her vanity and picked up the box. She tried not to think about how such a little box was supposed to hold clothing. Setting it on her bed, she opened it gently. Then looked at it. How much could she put in it? She began folding and placed five shirts, two pairs of jeans, and three pairs of leggings into the box. After all of that it looked she had just put in one outfit, not five.

Turning back to her closet, Sarah frowned. She knew she shouldn't really take the three ball gowns, but each one of them had taken her a rather long time to make. Sarah knew if she didn't take them, Irene would throw them in the trash. Reaching into her closet, Sarah pulled out the one that was as golden as the sun. Taking a black garbage bag and making a hole in the bottom, she pulled it over the hanger and dress, giving the dress some protection. Gently, she folded and placed the golden gown in the box. She then did the same with the silver as the moon gown and the one that sparkled like the stars.

The box still looked like it could hold more, so she looked around her room. There wasn't much left in clothing she wanted to take. What meant the most to her that she couldn't leave it behind? Walking over to her vanity, she took a few pictures of her mother down. Those would go as well as a few of Merlin, who had past away a few years back.

Without giving it much thought she put the figurine of the Goblin King or what looked like him into the box. The little red box followed that. A few other things followed after that. Soon the little box finally began to look full. Sarah placed the top back on. She would pack a few more things in a duffel bag, but that could wait till morning.

Turning off her light, she climbed into her bed. More than likely she would be sleeping in the Underground tomorrow night. Slowly, she fell asleep.


Inside his darkened house, Hoggle sat at his table. There was a small problem. Well, it was a big problem. Sarah couldn't fit in his house. He really didn't want to have to ask more of Evera, but Sarah would have to stay with her until she had somewhere else to stay.

Sighing, he glanced out the window into the night. Where would Evera put her? Sarah couldn't do much as far as he knew. Well, she did tell wonderful stories, but that would draw attention to her. Shaking his head, he lifted up his mug of warmed cider. He took a sip as a storm began to brew outside.

The rat wasn't happy about something. No one was going to be willingly out tonight. Taking a deep breath, he looked around his tiny cottage. Why was she helping? Oh, of course, she knew more than he did. Even if she hadn't been there during Sarah's run.

The storm grew stronger., the walls of his cottage shook. The rat was really angry about something. Shaking his head, Hoggle stood up and then took his mug over to the small basin sink. Hopefully, Sarah wouldn't call him tonight. It was not a good idea to cross from her world to the Underground with that storm brewing. It would hopefully have blown itself out by morning. They normally did, unless he was really upset.

Hopefully, Evera would go see what was wrong, but more than likely he wouldn't even let her see him. The rat didn't realize that he was destroying his own kingdom with these storms. His father would be so ashamed of him.

Moving back to the table, Hoggle sat back down with his mug of cider. It was safer to wait than to try and sleep through the storms. Hopefully, there would be a time when the storms wouldn't happen as often. Sipping on his cider, Hoggle sat and waited as the storm blew outside.

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