Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sarah was burning up, and she knew it had nothing to do with her coat. The Kitchens were like a furnace; sweat was pouring off of everyone. The massive feast was almost complete save only for the King's soup. That particular dish would be ready just before it was to be served later in the night.

Softly, music drifted down from the ballroom. It could barely be heard, but even that didn't stop Sarah from remembering that dance years ago. The rumors about him and her hadn't been helping either.

The Cook looked over at Sarah, "Jenna, why don't you go up and take a peak. You done more than needed to get ready for tonight. Just don't stay away for too long. I want to take a peak, too."

Sarah hid her shock and fear, but she didn't head up to the Ballroom. No, she went to her tiny room and sat on her bed, looking at the little box on the dresser. The three gowns were calling to her. What would he do if she magically showed up at the to the ball? He would know she was somewhere in the Underground, if he recognized her, but she wanted, no, needed to know. Slowly, Sarah stood up and walked over to the dresser. She lifted the lid off and then lifted one of the lovely gowns out of the box. It really wouldn't take much time to change and walk up to the Ballroom.

No doubt if he did recognize her, he would either cause her problems, or if the rumors were true, she didn't want to really think about that. Sighing, she looked at the lovely gown. It was almost a shame not to wear it or the others.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah made her decision.


Why had he agreed to this monstrosity of a ball? He was being forced to look for a bride, and he was not happy. People danced in front of his throne, not that he noticed. If he could, he would be far away.

The music barely drowned out the chatting of the Faes around him. No doubt his mother was somewhere enjoying this. Women were being paraded before him, but of course he paid them little mind.

Sighing, he glanced up at the top of the grand staircase. Standing at the top of the stairs was a beautiful woman in a golden gown with dark hair, who looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place her. She slowly made her way down the stairs moving gracefully among the other revelers. No one was really paying her much attention as she walked among them, but he followed her with his eyes.

He didn't want more attention on him, but he also didn't want to draw any ire towards her, at least not yet. Slowly, he stood up and began to meander through the dancers and other revelers trying to reach her side. It took almost ten minutes for him to finally be able to find her. Standing in front of her, he still could not place her.

She slowly curtsied to him, "your majesty."

Her voice sounded so familiar, but where had he heard it before? He gave her a slight nod, "would you be so kind as to allow me this dance?"

Her eyes grew wide for a moment, but she gave a slight nod, "it would be an honor."

Gently, he lead her out among the dancers. Soon the others around them seemed to disappear. She didn't say a word as they danced, and yet he was actually enjoying himself. He didn't know how long they danced, which was something very odd for him. Not that he minded in the least.

Suddenly, she pulled away from him. "I'm sorry, but I have to go."

He stood frozen as she raced up the stairs and out of sight. Quickly, the sounds of the Fae and music swallowed him up once more, leaving him wishing for the silence that she had brought to return. Why did this feel so familiar? Who was she?


Her heart was racing. She could feel it thundering in her chest as she shut the door to her room. Quickly, she peeled off the golden gown and hid it once more in the little box. After putting back on the white poet shirt and brown skirt she had on before, Sarah pulled on the coat just before there was a knock on her door.

"Jenna, you finished? I want to go take a peek."

"Coming," she opened the door as the Cook was about to knock again.

He gave her a nod, "good. I'll be back in a bit."

Sarah watched him walk away. Slowly, as to hide her still racing heart, she walked out of her room. After shutting the door behind her, she then walked back towards the Kitchens.

The Goblin King hadn't recognized her. Had he? He hadn't acted like he had. It had almost been like the ball all those years ago. He had come up to her after she had wandered through the dancers for awhile. At least, this time it hadn't been as, well adult. It had felt more like a ball from some fairytale.

Standing near the entrance to the Kitchens, she could hear two of the maids gossiping, but she walked back into the furnace of the Kitchens, without giving them any thought. What ever they were talking about could be dealt with later. Right not she had to be sure the dinner went on without a hitch.

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