Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Sarah was beyond not happy. Jareth had been actually being polite and not trying to get her to talk about where she was hiding, and someone decides to do the stupidest thing she had ever heard, since coming to the Underground. Who in their right mind declares war on the High King? Jareth in a weird way she did see that, but the ruler of the entire Underground?

Sighing, she moved away from the window in her little room in the servants quarters in the Castle. Things were hectic inside the Castle, much less the Kitchens. Everyone was preparing for war. The kitchen staff were no longer preparing wonderful meals to impress visitors. They were preparing basic meals to run out to the citizens who had been displaced because to the attacks on the outer wall.

But not her. She was now helping Hoggle in the gardens. For some reason, the High Queen had sent a note to the Cook to move her out of the Kitchens, which of course made no real sense to her. Why move her out all of the sudden? She had been there for months, and it might actually call attention to her, which she knew wasn't a good thing at the moment.

Sarah moved over to her little bed. Working in the Gardens was just as hard as it been in the Kitchens, but her muscles seemed to be protesting the work a lot more. Laying down on the bed, she closed her eyes. Hopefully, the idiotic fools would be dealt with quickly.

She already had a feeling the wedding was more than likely being moved up. Even though she hadn't heard anything from the High Queen. Of course, she would have no say, but she was acutaly fine with it. Maybe it would be she could actually do something and not just tend the damned garden.

Opening her eyes, Sarah looked up at the pain ceiling. She was truly beginning to hate "Jenna." The damned disguise was getting to be too much for her. The kitchen staff loved her, but the rest of the Castle's servants didn't seem to like her that much. Them not liking "Jenna" didn't worry her. After all, they were always praising the real her. At least, she knew that much.


Why did the fools have to ruin everything? Jareth stood in his study looking over a map of the Labyrinth and the outlying lands. He didn't fear they would get past the outer walls. They were attacking, and yet they were failing. The ancient magic would protect the Labyrinth. From his last communication with his parents, much the same for them. The idiots had no idea of the magic protecting the Palace and the Labyrinth.

Of course, he was worried about Sarah. He knew she was no doubt back in her hiding place, which he could only hope was well protected.

If the need arose, the wedding would be held sooner rather than at the planned date, which he actually didn't mind too much. Sarah more than likely would, but her safety came first. Since of course he still didn't know where she was, even after asking once again.

Sighing, he moved away from his desk. With this stupid mess going on, the wedding was no doubt going to be moved up. Even though his mother hadn't sent him word, he knew. He would do his best to stall it for as long as possible, but his hand would no doubt be forced later. He refused to allow those idiotic fools to ruin his and Sarah's happiness.


Word had already been sent to Ella to have the wedding gown readied as soon as possible. The High Queen looked out the windows of her husband's study. The last thing she had wanted was for history to repeat its self, but it seemed it was. Well, not completely. Her wedding had happened so quickly because Diedrick was so close to being forced to marry, much like his son, but that hadn't been the only reason. No there had been another.

Wrapping her arms around herself, High Queen Evera moved away from the windows. What would those fools do if they discovered that their entire belief that mortals were beneath them was a joke? That in fact for centuries they had been rules by one. That the High Queen was n fact mortal. Yes, she had been the Goblin Queen, but before that she had been a wish away, whose runner had lost. Taken in by the last ruler of the Goblins, she had grown up in the Underground, never knowing the world she had come from.

She glanced up at the old family portrait hanging above the mantle. Not even Jareth knew his mother's secret. Queen Evera was no fool. They would had done then what that they were doing now, but things were different. Sarah was different. The High Queen smirked. Sarah had power and those fools would soon see what the next High Queen was capable of, even if they would wish later they didn't. Turning away from the painting, she headed towards the closed door. It was time she pay Sarah a visit. This had to end, and it would by the two most important women in the entire Underground, if the High Queen had her say.

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