Chapter One

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“I’ll be back in a minute, Eleanor.” Mark, Eleanor’s father said as he opened the car door. Ellie nodded mindlessly, not really caring that her father was going to the bank.

“Yeah, whatever.” Ellie muttered before turning on the radio and climbing to the back.

She didn’t really know what her father did for a living, but it payed enough to buy rather nice cars. She led down, leaning her back onto the door. She didn’t want to nap in the front, the windows weren’t tinted. Her toes moved to the beat, it was slow. Ellie looked at her phone, nothing. Her and her boyfriend Jake had been in a fight, hadn’t spoken since last night. She loved Jake, she did. He was everything a girl could ask for, sweet, caring, smart and just generally lovely. But Ellie needed something more. What? That she didn’t know. Ellie dozed of in the car, knowing little about what was about to happen..

Daniel, also known as Skip slapped his friends chest as he saw the man they were waiting for, arrive. His friend slowly turned around, smiling as he straightened the tie he was wearing.

“Its time.” Beau sniggered.

They had done a lot of work for this one, timing was perfect. They thanked the cashier, an old friend of Beau’s, before turning around.

“Mark Reed!” Beau grinned and Mark turned around, confused. He didn’t recognise the man walking towards him. “Great to see you again!” Beau smiled as he took his hand.

“Its been too long.” Mark couldn’t place Beau’s face, but he had met a lot of people recently.

“You too.” He proudly grinned. Daniel was outside of the bank, leaning against the structure. He placed the cigarette in-between his lips and inhaled the toxins. He had waited for a few minutes, his patience growing smaller.

Skip didn’t even have to look up to know that Beau was next to him.

“Have you got them?” Daniel glanced sideways, Beau grinning before letting a pair of keys dangle from his fingers. The keys to the bentley parked across the street.

“Lets go then.” Skip started walking.

Beau was proud of himself, it was the first time Skip had let him take control and he had done well. It was simple, slipping the keys from Mr. Reed. The boys grinned widely as they slipped in to the car. Totally oblivious to the sleeping girl in the back. Daniel started the car, before quickly zooming down the street. It wouldn’t be long until Mr. Reed figured out something of his was missing, they had no time to play around.

The boys were quiet during the ride, enjoying the silence. Ellie’s eyes fluttered open, groggy from her sleep, she slowly sat up and looked through the window. They were on the outside skirts of town, not anywhere near their home.

“Dad, why are w-” Ellie looked to the side and were faced with two totally strange men.

She let out a ear piercing scream, Beau quickly turning to her with an shocked expression. Daniel just kept looking forward, he knew that whatever problem there was. He could get them out. Ellie stared at the boy in front of her, his brown hair was slick and he wore a frown. She glanced behind him, the other boy not even taking in her existence.

“Where are we?” Ellie croaked, she was frozen with fear. Beau grinned at her, amused at how scared she was. She needed to escape and fast, she launched herself at the handle for the door.

The doors locked with a click. Skip glanced at her through the rearview mirror.

“He’s not here. Now be quiet.” Skip growled as Ellie stared at the back of him. Beau had sat down normally once again.

“Im hungry man.” He chuckled and Skip cracked a smile.

“Whats you name?” Skip looked in the rearview mirror at Ellie. But her eyes were glued to her bracelet, not even noticing that she was being talked to. “OI!” He shouted, making her eyes quickly look up. “I said, whats your name?” He growled and Ellie looked at him with wide eyes.

“Ellie Reed.” She gulped and Skip smirked, she was the infamous Mark Reeds own blood. She was supposedly a good girl, something Skip was ready to destroy.

“Well, Ellie Reed, are you hungry?” Skip’s knuckles turned white, he was gripping the steering wheel. He didn’t like when people didn’t answer him, nor disobeyed him. Ellie nodded slightly, Beau looking at her now.

“Lets go, MaccyD’s bro.” Beau grinned and Skip stepped on the accelerator.

A loud beep broke the silence and Ellie quickly scrambled on the floor, finding her phone. Her phone was probably her only chance for help. She begged that the boys hadn’t heard it and brought her knees to her chin, trying to shield the phone in her lap. She started typing on it before a large hand blocked the view.

“I’ll take that.” Beau grinned before sitting back in his seat. He scrolled through the lovey-dovey messages that was displayed and he let out a laugh.

“Nice boyfriend you got here.” He taunted before rolling down the window, quickly chucking the phone through it. Ellie winced as she heard it smash against the street.

Beau roughly grabbed her jaw and made her look at him. “Don’t try anything, ever.” He growled. “Is that clear?” He glared at her and her eyes started watering.

She was frozen, she gulped slowly. He moved her face up and down, forcing her to nod until she moved. She quickly nodded and Beau smiled.

“Good girl.” He cooed, his thumb stroking her bottom lip slightly. They pulled in at the drive through at McDonalds and Skip looked at her through the mirror,

“What do you want?” Ellie shrugged. “Anything, please.” She said in a small voice and Skip glanced at Beau. Beau quickly ordered and they drove to the next station.

The girl smiling in the booth flirted with Beau and he was shamelessly flirting back. Their ties were slightly loosened, Skip looking out the window. Ellie didn’t know what to do. Beau took the food in his arms and Ellie’s mind was going overboard. This might be her last chance, ever. She let out a scream before shouting ‘help’. Beau quickly took the food and threw some money at the cashier before Skip sped down the street, over taking all the cars in the line.

His jaw was clenched and his knuckles were once again white. He was not happy. They drove in silence for about ten minutes, before Skip took a sharp turn, other cars honking their horn. Almost crashing in to each other. Skip took no notice in it and drove quickly into the old parking by the road. It was deserted, the wind making the dusty sand blow everywhere. The car came to an halt and both of them stepped out. Beau leaned against the hood, having a cigarette, giving the on going traffic glares. They wouldn’t dare to stop this even if they wanted too.

Skip took his blazer of, laying it on the car roof before rolling up his sleeves. Ellie was shaking with fear, her school shirt sticking to her. She scrambled up and made her self small in the other corner of the car, trying to get as far away from the strange man as possible. He glared at her as he opened the car door and Ellie whimpered. He leaned in to grab her, but she kicked and screamed. Skip didn’t mind though, he liked a challenge. But she was getting on his last nerves. He grabbed a hold of her ankle and she shrieked as he pulled her out of the car. Her body landing on the dusty ground with a thud, he gave her a quick slap and she cried out in pain. He had bursted her lip.

Skip took her under the arms and she cried, tears falling endlessly. He placed her in the back seat and Beau flicked his cigarette butt onto the street before quickly getting into the car. Skip took his time, rolling down his shirt before putting on his blazer. Ellie was in the back, whimpering as she sucked on her broken lip. She hated herself for getting a rush out of her, but all she wanted to do was to go home. Skip got into the car and they drove in silence for about 10 minutes until the car came to an halt. Skip quickly got out and Beau followed. They were in an abandoned parking lot and a big wear house were placed in front of them.

“What do i do with her?” Ellie froze at the words that had just left Beau’s mouth. Skip looked at Ellie before he looked at Beau with a smirk.

“Bring her.”

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