Chapter Nineteen

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Ellie rushed outside, she couldn’t breathe. What had she done? How could she say that, how could she possibly be so stupid! She slumped against the wall, trying to calm herself. Everything was dead silent, nothing was sounding and she didn't dare to move.

James, Jai and Luke were sat, staring at their friends. The third world was about to erupt and they knew there was no chance for them to even try to stop it. Daniel was stood staring at the door where Ellie had stormed out. He didn’t know what to do, nor what to say. He was frozen, he was for once in his life, clueless. Beau silently prayed that Skip wouldn’t turn around, he cursed Ellie for being such a traitor. He was nervous, he was defiantly in it. He saw how Skip stood up straight, slowly turning around to look at him. Skip turned slowly, staring at his best friend. 

Ellie couldn’t bare it, she had to get out of there so she ran, ran to the black rangerover she knew so well. Luckily for her, Skip had left the keys inside. Skip cursed to himself as he heard the tires burn against the gravel, she was gone.

“You kissed my girlfriend? My Ellie?” Skip growled at Beau, his words barely audible.

“She’s just another girl..” Beau sighed. It was kind of true, Skip used to bring different girls home, sleep with them and then never see them again. Ellie was different for Skip though, she had been around for weeks AND they had both said ‘I love you’.

“She’s not just a girl..” Skip walked closer to Beau, almost touching. “She’s my girlfriend!” Daniel couldn’t help but to raise his voice, his words oozed venom.

Ellie sped down the road as quickly as she possibly could, she needed to get in to bed, smell his smell on the sheets. She didn’t want Skip to leave her, after all he had put her through. Ellie quickly parked and walked inside, her mind was swimming in all the thoughts.

She placed her bag on the kitchen counter, noticing Daniel’s phone flashing red, indicated that he had a few messages. She slowly scrolled through them, standing there in the dark warehouse. Her heart jumped as she heard two doors slam, a light illuminating the warehouse. She turned her head and gasped as what she saw, the two strange men walking towards the entrance.

They were clad in dark hoodie’s, the rain slowly soaking them. Ellie freaked, what would she do now? Her legs moved as quickly as she possibly could move them, Daniel’s phone still in hand. She crammed herself into the closet on the other side of the room, closing the doors behind her.

“Where is she?” One of the men mumbled.  She didn’t dare turn on the light. She looked at the phone in front of her, quickly dialling Jai’s number, praying that he would pick up.

"Im sorry man, i shouldn’t have tried anything." Beau apologised to his friend, Skip was raging. He couldn’t wrap his head around the whole thing, it made him even angrier thinking about it.

"Well you should-" A loud ringing noise cut them off and they all looked at Jai who was frowning at his phone.

"Its you." He frowned once more at Skip and he quickly walked over to his friend, looking at his phone.

"Speaker." Daniel muttered and Jai did as he said. A shaky breath was all they could hear from the other line, as well as some muffled mumbling.

"Daniel…" Ellie stuttered out, Skip quickly snatching the phone from Jai. "Baby whats wrong?" He frowned and a sob racked through Ellie’s body. 

Ellie whispered what was going on, that there were strange men in the warehouse and she was stuck in a closet. Skip’s heart ached at what he was about to tell his girlfriend.

“Ellie.. Listen to me..” He said softly and all that could be heard were her little sniffles.

“They’re gonna take you-” He begun but was quickly cut off.

“No, no! I don’t want to! No please, Daniel, don’t let them take me.” She cried, begging him to save her.

“Baby, listen.” He demanded and Ellie tried to stop crying. “They’re gonna take you, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll find you and i’ll bring you home.” Skip stated, he knew that he would do anything to keep her safe.

“Promise?” She croaked and Daniel balled his fist up in frustration.

“Promise.” He whispered.

“I love you, you know that right?” He asked and Ellie nodded, forgetting that he couldn’t see her.

“I love you too.” She whispered before it was quiet for a long time. She couldn’t hear anyone, maybe they left?

“Daniel?” She whispered, a happy note to her tone.

“Yeah baby?” He asked.

“I think they are gone!” She happily exclaimed, but Skip knew how these kinds of things work.

It was silent for a few seconds before her scream bounced off the walls in the warehouse. Daniel bit his lip, not wanting to cry in front of his friends. He looked at the screen of the phone, seeing the minutes counting before it read ‘Call ended’.

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