Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N: So this is the last chapter of The Collector! Just a friendly reminder, I did not write this book, a girl I talk to did, I'll put her link under this! 

For more stories like this vist 


It had been a few days since Mark brought his daughter home, he had proudly gone out in a press conference, telling everyone that HE saved her. She was furious, HE was the one who had but her there in the first place.‘Its only business’ had been his excuse, and frankly Ellie didn’t think it was good enough.

Daniel and the rest of the boys had seen it on the news, how happy Mark was to have her back. It was all lies, he used his daughter, he didn’t deserve to even call her his daughter. But then again, Daniel couldn’t really talk, she was a lovely, wonderful girl and all Skip did was pull her down. In to his world, in to his life.

Mark had forbid Ellie to ever see ‘that boy’ ever again and they had fought for hours. He had offered Daniel a large amount of money to stay away from his daughter and Daniel had accepted, not for the money, but for her sake. The money was just a bonus. 

Ellie was a mess, she had gone against her father and gone to the warehouse to see Daniel. She thought that maybe he thought that she just didn’t like him, which she did, she was hopelessly in love with him.

So anyways, she had gone to the warehouse but James had answered the door. Telling her that he didn’t want to see her, telling that she should just forget the whole thing ever happened. Obviously James lied, Skip was just obeying orders.

Daniel’s eyes never left her, he watched her every move. He knew he couldn’t be together, but that didn’t stop him caring. He wouldn’t let anything touch her, ever. He hated to see how much of a wreck she became as he ignored her request to see her. It had been weeks since James turned her away but she was still just as broken. 

She needed Daniel, every thing in the whole of Melbourne reminded her of him and she always found it hard to breathe. Her friends at school were so happy to see her, and all Ellie wanted to do was to run away. She would always sit alone, and even when she wasn’t it wasn’t like she listened to any of the conversations. Her friends thought that the experience she went through was traumatic and there for she had shut down.

The truth was that she didn’t even think about what Grayson did to her, her mind supposedly blocked it out. All that was in there was Daniel. Ellie often thought she saw his big black car drive around, and she wasn’t wrong, he was. But she was sure her mind was playing tricks on her. 

"Why are you late?" Her father asked as she stepped inside the door, flinging her school bag on the floor.

"Eleanor, speak to me." He demanded and Ellie just rolled her eyes, and soon her father was in vision.

"Don’t you dare tell me you went to see that boy again." He spat, his large hands gripping her skinnier arms.

Ellie knew her real father and this wasn’t him, this man was drunk of power and it wasn’t right.

"Fuck you." She spat before wriggling herself out of his hold, running up the stairs. She couldn’t take this anymore, she had to get away. Now. 

Ellie flung everything she could possibly need in to her rucksack, clothes, money, passport. She was almost 18 so soon she would be able to leave anyways. She made sure she was ready for what was about to happen as she stepped out of her room.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Mark boomed as she stepped down the stairs.

“Im leaving.” Ellie simply stated, and it was the truth. She was leaving.

“Oh, no you’re not.” Mark laughed at her and she kept going.

“You’re not gonna fucking go anywhere.” He spat at her and she spun around.

“And what are you gonna do about it!?” She growled back and Mark looked at her in shock, she had never said anything against him before and he didn’t like it.

“If you don’t let me go, every SINGLE ONE of the people living in melbourne is gonna know about what you did to me, and you can sure as hell say bye to your little business.” She screamed knowing that he wouldn’t be able to say anything. 

Daniel saw a very flustered Ellie walk out of the house, slamming the door behind her. Her face was covered in her locks and a hoodie shielded her face. Wrapped around her was a black leather jacket, maroon jeans and combat boots. Daniel frowned as he noticed the rucksack, why would she need a rucksack? She hurriedly walked down the street, the harsh wind whipping at her face.

Daniel wasn’t far behind her, but he had to stay low if he wanted to find out what she was up to. Ellie had since a long way back, Skip’s number remembered in her mind. She had seen it once and never forgotten it, she had always been good with numbers. She wanted him to know that she was leaving, leaving everything they ever created in this city she called home. She was mindlessly walking, thinking about where she was actually going. 

Her head snapped up from a pair of boys honking their horn at her, hooting from the car. She simply rolled her eyes and flipped them off, the boys laughing at her cockiness before speeding off down the street. Skip frowned by this, wanting to ask her if she was alright, be he couldn’t.

Ellie had walked for nearly an hour, and she was walking towards the outskirts off town. First, Skip thought she would try to visit him but that was the other side of town. Ellie finally decided what she was gonna do, she was gonna give it a shot. She quickly looked around her, Daniel scooting down in his seat but he could still see her. She fished out her phone, quickly typing the number on to it. Ellie was nervous, but she would always regret it if she didn’t.

A shaky breath left her lips as she pressed her phone to her ear, biting her lip slightly.

“Come on..” She mumbled to herself, Skip frowned looking at her, waiting for her lips to move.

He jumped when his phone started vibrating, an unknown number flashing across the street. She was calling him, and that little thing broke Skip’s heart even more. He wanted to answer, but he couldn’t.

“Well fuck you then..” Ellie muttered as he didn’t reply, flinging her phone into the nearest trashcan before walking down the street towards the highway once again. 

Her hand was swinging by her side, her thumb sticking out to the passing car. She had been walking for ages, and not one single car had stopped. She was about to give up, she even considered just jumping off the bridge cause her feet hurt so much. But she couldn’t give up now, she had come so far.

It was getting darker and darker, the work rush had finished ages ago. Skip smirked at how she never gave up, he was a few cars behind her. Ellie groaned as every single car zoomed right past her, her legs dragging across the asphalt. Daniel shook his head, laughing slightly at her every move.

“Fuck Mark..” He muttered to himself as he stepped on the accelerator. He quickly drove past the cars in front of him, rolling his tinted window down. He slowed down just behind her, watching her ass as she strutted in front of him. God he had missed that ass, actually no, he had just missed Ellie. His Ellie. His car finally caught up with her. 

"Need a lift?" 

The Collector (A Janoskians Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang