Chapter Two

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Ellie yelped as Beau grabbed her upper arm, tugging her out of the car. She struggled in his grip and he frowned.

“Stop it.” He growled and held her arm tighter.

Ellie sucked on her broken lip, praying that she wouldn’t cry. The door opened and a tall guy smiled at them, he looked at the car before looking at me.

“Nice.” He smirked and walked inside. Beau dragged Ellie behind him, following Skip.

“Beau, how did it go?” Jai spoke as they entered the big establishment.

Beau pushed Ellie in front of him and awkwardly stumbled into the circle they were all sat. There was four couches, a lot of what looked like cars. Ellie wasn’t sure though, they were covered with grey plastic.

“Who’s this?” Luke frowned at his brother.

“Whats your name love?” The boy with the beanie asked Ellie. She frowned, before looking over to the boy with a snapback.

“Are you twins?” She blurted out before covering her mouth.

The boys laughed, distracting Ellie from what was really going on. Jai smiled at her.

“Yeah, we are.”

“Whats your name?” Luke asked once more and Ellie blushed slightly.

“Eleanor.” Her voice piped up and the boys smiled gently at her, Ellie thought that they were probably the friendliest, and that she was gonna stick to them.

If she ever got a chance of course.

“Skip!” Jai shouted and Ellie turned around, looking at the person walking towards them.

It was the man who had pulled her out of the car. Skip glared at her and she quickly turned the other way, still standing awkwardly in-between all the boys.

“So what do we do with her?” James spoke and her eyes travelled to him, he was relaxed, not really bothered.

“Get rid of her, she’s only gonna be trouble.” The other boy from the car spoke and Ellie gulped.

The boys got up, walking towards her. Tears started streaming down her face and the twins looked at her sympathetically. She closed her eyes and braised herself for what to come.

“No.” Ellie’s eyes flashed open and all the boys had stopped, looking over her shoulder.

“I’ll keep her, for now.” Skip growled at his mates and Jai, James and Luke smiled.

Everyone thought it was a good idea really, Skip needed someone to make him relax more. Everyone but Beau. He knew she was gonna be a trouble in the end, she was gonna keep them from doing their job.

“She’s gonna be trouble.” Beau muttered and slammed his body down on the sofa. Skip chose to ignore it.

“Well, I’m James.” James smiled at her and she gave a small smile back.

“Thats Jai and Luke.” He motioned to the twins.

“That grumpy dude, is Beau.” James motioned to Beau who rolled his eyes.

“And that” He pointed to the boy behind Ellie, who was leaned over a computer. “Thats Skip.”

“Alright, show me what you got today.” Skip’s voice boomed through the warehouse and all the boys shuffled around.

“Mrs. Jeansen.” Luke mumbled and placed a duffel bag on the glass table in the middle.

Ellie was sat on the sofa where James had been sat before he went off to get his collection. Her eyes widened as she peered in to the back, stacks of money were placed in the bag. She looked up and saw Beau look intently at her. She quickly looked away and fiddled with her fingers.

“Dr. Davis.” Jai placed another bag, Ellie didn’t dare too look inside.

Skip quickly took the duffel bags, putting them in the safe. He sat down on the sofa next to Ellie, glancing at her now and then. She was beautiful, Skip couldn’t deny that.

James placed a small napkin on the table, before laying a small box on it.

“Mr. Martin didn’t want to pay up.” He looked at Skip and he smirked.

“Ellie.” Skip spoke and her head snapped up.

“Why don’t you do us the honour of opening the box.” Skip looked around his mates and they all smirked. Even Beau.

“Now.” He boomed when she didn’t move.

Ellie quickly got up, walking over to the small coffee table. She slowly knelt down, her eyes burning holes into the box. Her fingers trembled as she slowly lifted the lid up. She stood up with a gasp as she saw what was in the box, dropping the lid. Howls of laughter echoed through the room. Skip didn’t laugh though, he intently watched her reaction to the cut of finger which was in the box.

Ellie wanted to cry and scream at the same time, she couldn’t believe what was in front of her. She felt slightly sick, the boys laughter echoing through the room. Her eyes darted to the other room, eyeing the open door. Skip followed her gaze and smirked, he knew exactly what was running through her mind. Ellie’s legs moved faster then they ever had before, edging closer to the door. Skip wasn’t far behind her. His arms wrapped around her waist and Ellie’s feet left the ground.

“Please, please let me go. I won’t tell anyone!” She cried and Skip gently placed her on the ground.

“I can’t do that.” He growled against her neck, sending a tingle down her back, his crotch pressed up against her bum.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

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