Chapter Seven

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Get up.” Skip growled as he pulled Ellie out of bed, her eyes quickly opening.

Skip had a frown on his face and didn’t look happy. It was a vast contrast of last night. Ellie’s cheeks reddened from the memory as she stumbled to waken. Skip aggressively made the bed, he was already ready.

He hadn’t slept last night, he was worried about what would happen today. Ellie was shocked at his mood, last night he had been so careful, so caring. What happened? “Get dressed!” He growled and Ellie frowned, she didn’t have any clothes.

She didn’t want to anger Daniel so her feet tiptoed to his closet. She dug around in the boxers, avoiding the weapons, looking for something to wear. She found a pair of leggings, probably one of Skips one nightstands, Ellie mumbled to herself.

She pulled out a loose singlet and borrowed a belt. She quickly pulled the leggings on, before sliding the tshirt she had slept in off. Skip stared at her from a far, burning holes into her back. She slid the singlet on and pulled on the belt. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to tame it.

“Lets go!”

Skip had hurried Ellie into the car and they were soon zooming down the desert way, dust flying everywhere. The silence scared Ellie, and she couldn’t help herself. “Where are we going?” She mumbled and Skip gulped.

“Whats gonna happen to me?” She croaked, her fingers searching for Daniels. His heart sunk as she let out a sob, her fingers squeezing his.

“Just do as you’re told and you’ll be fine.” He mumbled. He quickly untangled his fingers from hers and concentrated on the road in front of him.

Ellie sighed, leaning her head against the window. Daniel sighed, he felt mean. But he wasn’t supposed to feel anything. Nothing at all.

The car came to an halt outside the warehouse they were at yesterday, this was their base. Skip quickly exited the car, walking towards the open gates, Ellie reluctantly followed. Her pace sped up by the noise of her father.

“Dad..” She whispered too herself as she raced past Daniel.

“Dad?” Ellie spoke, looking around but she couldn’t see him.

“DAD!” She shouted as she entered the warehouse fully. She yelped as someone grabbed her by the hair. Daniel winced at her cry but moved past his boss, before sitting down with the rest of the boys.

“Your dad is doing a good job sweetheart.” The man who was pulling her by her hair growled.

“He did everything we asked.” He pushed her down to a chair.

“What are you talking about?!” She spat at the middle-aged man in front of her.

“He’s been on the news this morning, talking about how his wonderful little girl was taken last night.” The man chuckled and Ellie looked at Daniel, his eyes burning holes in the sides of her head.

“They’ll find you.” She spat at the man and he shook his head.

“No, they won’t.” He smiled.

“Your boyfriend is missing too..” He laughed. “Coincidence? I think not.” He growled and looked over at the boys.

Everyone sat there, not saying anything.

“What did you do to him?!” She cried.

She loved Jake, she did. But she wasn’t in love with him.

“EVERYONE thinks you two ran away together. No one will look for us, simply Jake.” He grinned.

“Where is he?” Tears were streaming down Ellie’s soft face and Skip broke a little inside.

She was so beautiful, and she was in so much pain.

“He’s dead.” Boss’ spat at Ellie and Daniel couldn’t bare to see it.

“No.” She shook her head. “No!”

“You disgust me.” She screamed at the large man in front of her before spitting in his face.

Boss’ tensed up and everyone in the room froze. Boss’ grabbed her face roughly before glaring at her.

He wiped away the spit from his face, he was boiling. He roughly pushed her to the ground. Ellie didn’t know what happened, she was just scared. Daniel sat there, trying to feel nothing as his Boss kicked Ellie several times in the stomach. She cried out in pain, praying that it would soon be over.

Her eyes were feeling heavy and her body was numb with pain. Daniel knew how much trouble he would be in, how much shit he would get. He might even loose his job, but for the first time in years, he felt something.


The Collector (A Janoskians Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang