The change of Imperial history

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(This is set before WW2)

British Empire pov

I knew another world war was coming so I decided to try and even the peace out by commiting to a compromise with the German Reich over Poland in an attempt to save the world peace that has been slowly breaking.

* in Berlin *

Britian: I want to try and save the peace so what do you want from the Polish nation Germany?

Poland: He will get nothing

Britian: Hush you I am trying to save you

German Reich: Ich just want all lands between East Prussia and mein mainland. Nothing more unless Poland continues to refuse even though Ich am trying to be ze diplomat here.

Britian: Hmm... Cede some other coastal lands and land connecting it to Poland and you can have it

German Reich: hmm... Fine but if Poland does not get their troops out of the land Ich annex within 2 weeks Ich will declare

Poland: Uk why?!

UK: I don't want this war as I am focused on increasing my economy in the colonies. I will not fight this war for you Poland plus I see that the Germans would be a possible ally against the communists.

German Reich: Ich created an anti-Comintern pact du want in?

Britian: I'll join it old chap after all the communists are the biggest threat to the world and must be stopped

German Reich: Ja

Poland: You'll regret this you 2

Britian: Also German Reich I heard you were supressing the Jews and many other races or disabled people alongside similar races?

German Reich: Ja so?

Britian: Stop it please ok?

German Reich: In exchange Ich can default on your debts ja?

Britian: Fine... But if you attempt anything in Poland I declare remember?

German Reich: Ich won't now all Ich have to do is prepare to defend myself from the Westerning USSR.

Britian: If you need me to I can send troops to help you out.

German Reich: Don't worry it probably won't be needed but if Ich need it Ich will ask you

Britian: Okay I will wait for that

British Empire pov

I focused on expanding my economy via using the deserts to take factories while I used the resources from my colonies to feed the growing industrial economy I have in British Africa. I also focused on making the citizens in the British Raj more loyal to the British Empire so that I can have more stability for the British Raj. I also knew that I should prepare a stronger army as my army may be experienced but that can only do so much so I decided to increase the manpower of my army to prepare for the war with the communists.

France pov

The British are being friendly with the Germans!? They must be a German influenced nation... Their king has been pro German for a good while now so it wouldn't be too shocking to me. I also knew that the British have been arming up new armies and reforming for unknown reasons meaning thye either are going to fight the Soviets or they are going to kill... me! I quickly began to prepare my own military colonially and on my mainland so I can fight this if I need to.

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