World war 4 part 2

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USA pov

I began moving my navy to search and destroy the Soviet fleet in the Pacific with the aid of the Japanese, Malyasians, Phillipenes, and a minor German fleet. This is so we can get rid of it now then find it later to prevent it becoming a future thorn in the side of our war effort especially since Asia is practically under our control for the war. So my forces in Europe focused on pushing into Poland and the Prussian Republic to get them back under the control of the Germans once more as it is their birthplace so taking it back would heavily increase America-German relations.

German Reich pov

I smiled as we pushed into the enemy alliance with German Russia making minor gains into the Soviet Union to gain more ground against the Soviets. I also had my navy fight a decisive battle with the British and Italian naval assets in the Black Sea which crippled their naval presense in the Black sea which will allow more forces to move to other areas of importance.

Naval battle of the Black Sea

Soviet losses: 20 battleships, 30 destroyers, and 10 subs

AXIS/Allied losses: 2 battleships, 40 destroyers, and 1 sub

Result: Removal of all Soviet naval assets in the Black sea

France pov

I smiled as resources from me were being bought on mass by the AXIS and Allies making me one of their key trading partners. Despite the French protests in the army we declared the French era of peace long ago which is planned to stay for 5 more years before we start even making remote plans of expansion of any of the army. The army is slightly funded but not to the point of being for war with the Germans and British providing aid to help keep my military afloat in exchange for resources.

Soviets pov

I am losing ground and at a fast rate with a recent offensive resulting in the loss of a fourth of my lands in Ukraine which combined with the Italians taking all the Caucasian region crippled my economy. The Polish are also losing a huge amount of ground despite our fights in Europe with the Balkans losing Yugoslavia to capitulation 2 months ago and Romania on the path of capitulation thanks to join Bulgarian-Italian forces with aid from British Malyasia. We need to even the fighting so when I got reports of my secret project being finished I told them to send it to Berlin so that we can hopefully get Germany out of the war at least and at most take the entire AXIS out of the war on our terms. 

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