Cold war 2 part 6

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France pov

I was in my capital talking with my government about defeating the communist movements in my mainland and colonial empire. Then my son with his running uniform and shorts French North Africa ran in.

France: What is it?

French North Africa: THIS IS ALL A SET UP!

France: what do you mean?

French North Africa: Most of the remaining communists in my land are ex citizens of the Comintern. This means that the communists are sending communists to our lands!

France: I must tell Germany about this update to the communist movement. I need you all to try and fight off all the communists you can while I try to get the ex-Comintern citizens back to their homes in their former nations without causing world tensions.

* AAEU meeting is called *

German Reich: who called the meeting?

France: I did

British Empire: Why did you do so when you need to focus on the attack of the communists?

France: The Communists are from the Soviet Union which means the Soviets are now making a move to destroy my colonial empire from the inside of the colonial empire. 

Netherlands: That is a rather worrisome twist to this crisis...We need to counter this somehow.

Belgium: But how?

German Reich: Ban the Soviets from going to your nation?

British Empire: It won't stop the communists already in the French colonial empire and our own nations but will just prevent future communists. It will stop the coming communists but what about the current ones?

Italy: Convert them to our own ideology?

Hungary: They were sent to cause chaos so I doubt that could actually work but it could take down a few of them

Japan: Ban communist parties could definetly help alongside arresting them alongside interogation

Spain: I think that works for us all

British Empire: We should also all focus on sending our spies to fight communists in other nations especially more destabilized members of the economic alliance. Like Spain who did go through many civil wars meaning they are more at risk of communist take over or a future civil war. Or the French and their colonial empire due to the massive amounts of communists in their homes already.

German Reich: Good idea British Empire do we all agree to get to it?

All: We all agree

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