WW2 part 2

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USSR pov

I began to send troops to all fronts I have with my naval commander reporting the navy has fallen to a joint attack on it from the British and Japanese navy. This worried me as that meant that the chances of naval invasions were high but I knew that I need to push them back or I will eventually be partitioned heavily. So I decided to focus on trying to either hold the line or push them back with my huge army I have at my disposial with my air force focused on taking air superiority over my lands that the British stole from me as the Japanese air force is going to be hard to stop unless I can send my entire air force on them which currently will not be possible due to my air force also focusing on fighting the British air force which despite my fighting of it still rules whatever skys it wants to with little resistance due to them crippling my air force in the air battle for Leningrad which costed my 90% of my entire air force.

British Empire pov

My armies rested so I decided to have them push even further towards Moscow with the Japanese doing a offensive in sync with our offensive to try and make or break the Soviet army minds on a mental scale. I also smiled as German armies arrived with me officially pulling out of the Treaty of Versallies due to my good relations with the Germans plus them being powerful makes sure the Soviets don't try anything against Eroupe. Plus the German Reich has been breaking it anyways and it would hurt my image to be allying with someone who is breaking a treaty I am still a part of. I had stopped my offensive when huge armies met my armies in Leningrad with the Japanese stopping as well due to their army growing more and more tired from fighting the Soviets or moving to take all of Eastern Siberia from the Soviets.

USSR pov

My allies began to help me hold them off but after the Japanese took the entire East of Siberia with the British slowly approaching Moscow and my more northern cities are getting closer or closer to with Moscow becoming a bigger threat each day. So I focused on trying to combat them off or I will be forced to surrender on their terms no matter what I could try at that point of time. So I focused on one goal "cause so much damage that if we do lose we get favorable terms as we can get out of any peace deal with them"

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