WW4 part 5

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USSR pov

I noticed that the entire air force was fighting a huge air battle but their land troops... Retreated? I told the men to charge after them to increase the morale of the people of Moscow as much as we can with plans of mass propaganzation of this huge retreat of the enemy and pushed by my own army. I then saw something get dropped towards the city so I told our people to hide as I worried of what it was so I also got under my desk and surrounded myself in wood to protect myself as much as I can then I heard a huge BOOM then it all went black.

British Empire pov

I smiled as we finally got in the conference chairs as we signed the Treaty of Geneva part 1

Treaty of Geneva


- Becomes a Japanese puppet state

- Pays medium war reps to the Allies and AXIS

Tanu Tuva

- Get annexed by Mongolia


- The rest is annexed by Nationalist China


- Release Croatia (German puppet) in all of their claimed lands

- Italy annexes any claimed lands they hold

- Italy annexes border strip

- Greece annexes border strip

- Bulgaria and Hungary annex their border strip

- A pro AXIS/Allied government is placed

- Previous government is executed

Ma lin

- Annexed by Nationalist China

Ma Zhongying

- Annexed by Nationalist China

13 Dali lama

- Annexed by Nationalist China


- Annexed by the United States

Ma Hongbin

- Annexed by Nationalist China


- Becomes a United States protectorate


- Japanese Siberia annexes all of Siberia

- British Ukraine annexes all of Ukraine

- Italian Armenia changes name Italian Caucus

- German Russia annexes the border strip

- The entire Baltic Region under Soviet control is annexed by German Baltics (German Colony)

- Belarus is released (German protectorate)

- Kazhasatan is released as a Japanese protectorate

- All other Central Asian nations in the Soviet lands are Released as independent nations (Yes with the same border gore)

Signed by Allies, AXIS, World Defense, German Baltics, Belarus, Kazhastan, Croatia, and Mongolia

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