Cold war final part

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British Empire pov

With me running out of food to give due to the rising tensions in my colonial empire and mainland Eroupe I announced that if the Turkish do not back down they will be fully partitioned into many puppet states. I also sent money to help the rebels who wanted to be in Kurdistan in exchange they would join Iraq and change their name to the Arabian federation which they agreed to. I then decided to have Iraq change his name which they did change their name to help honor my part of the deal. I also focused on boosting my food production so I can send a bunch of food to help Italian Armenia and British Ukraine the moment I can send them food to help the famines in both of their nations with Italy telling me he plans on doing the same thing. My son you have to hold on a little bit longer war is coming to save you and it will come in 2 hours do not worry.... FATHER IS COMING TO SAVE YOU FROM THE TURKISH MENACE!

Italy pov

I had some of my food production go to a huge building which would hold the food for helping Italians Armenia and British Ukraine for when we can save them from their super famine they are falling too. Just hold on for a little longer my daughter please! We are coming to see you and I will save you... I will fucking help in the partitioning of Turkey and they will pay for what happened... Will I break some rights of humanity or crimes of war? Probably but will people understand why? Yes they will understand... Well I hope they do at least or I'll get partitioned next... FOR MY DAUGHTER!

France pov

The Turkish are beginning to push this too far but the Polish still want this to go on... The Ukrainians and Armenians have suffered enough pain for many lives. I began to try and convince Poland to stand down because how are we defending the world if we are causing hundreds of thousands to die? Poland still refused to stand down so I just did what he said knowing I can't stop them as my economy has become more and more dependent on the World defenders meaning if they stop trading with me I will die... I am the puppet of Poland and no one will save me now because I put myself in this situation... Never thought I would need the British and Germans to save me... So I contacted them both to try and save the others. I will free myself and stop the pain the Ukrainians and Armenians are being given by those damned Polish and Turkish menaces.... I can't let anyone know if they will block me from giving them the food I plan on sending them... Let's hope the AXIS and Allies agree to this

Allied-AXIS Economic union (or AAEU for short) meeting room

British Empire: Why did you call us all France?

Hungary: We are your enemies


France: I AM TRYING TO STOP THEM ITALY! I TRIED NUMEROUS TIMES TO GET POLAND TO BACK DOWN BUT HE REFUSES TOO! And my economy is dependent on the World defenders now... SO please... if war comes spare me and free me from the Polish puppeteer that puppets me...

German Reich: People will take land but we won't out right cripple your economy

British Empire: All we want is Turkey so the peace treaty shouldn't be as bad for you so if you instantly capitulate we can make it very simple for you okay?

France: I will try my best okay?

Italy: As long as you don't fight back we'll spare you

France: T-thank you I p-promise I won't try and be your rival anymore... Being your rival made me a pawn and I refuse to stay like that... I'll send food to them and if anyone asks it is too 'taunt them' just make sure no one knows okay?

British Empire: Don't worry no one will know from any of us I swear

France: declare the world war today I'll surrender a few hours after

Italy: Okay

* end of the secret meeting *

Looks like the tensions are rising fast.. Let's hope those 2 are saved

Author: Knowing Multiversal France it'll take them a while

Let's hope that while is a chapter because the population of both of them is quickly declining...

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