The attack on Hamburg

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USA pov

I know that tensions are rising so I shall stay neutral as I am still in the great depression and an attack on my nation would probably cripple my entire nation. So I decided to make a treaty which made me neutral in any conflicts that I don't start or get directly involved in at the beginning of to prevent any wars any time soon so my economy can have a chance to recover and prepare for when I do inevitably get involved in a war. I also focused on trying to get a good military for in case I do get involved in a war earlier that I thought we would get involved in one.

Imperial Japan pov

I am deciding on fighting China again but I decided to halt that as the Germans told me to avoid that so that we are ready to fight the communists as they were planning a fake accident to get involved with the Soviets or Polish and they want me ready for if the fake accident brings in the Soviets but said if the war brings in the Polish then I can declare on China. Germany is making sure I am ready for either one of the scenarios to occur so that I can either help them or my own ambitions. I knew my branches hating each other would be a problem so I focused on trying to make them friends so they can work together better which could cause massive enemy losses and a notable decrease of losses on our side. This encouraged both sides to do it with relations on both sides increasing so to help show them how beneficial this could be I had them train together to help show how the coroperation between them all could easily help us all in the end. This was proven to be working so I began to incoperate the air force into it so that when the time comes my ability to combat my enemies increases despite anything new that occurs to my grand imperial nation!

German Reich pov

I smiled as my battalion of men put on the Soviet uniform and took one of our ships and put the Soviet flag on it. I then faked a face of shock as Hamburg came under suprise Soviet attack I then demanded reperations from the Soviets which they denied so I decided to declare war and used the attack on Hamburg as propaganda against the Soviets.

Soviet Union pov

Darn it my navy screwed me over! So I fired all of my naval commanders and had them replaced for this horrid mistake they made. I then began to send my forces on all borders with the AXIS to help prepare to combat with my enemies alongside a huge force set up in my Baltic coastal area to protect my coast from naval invasions.

British Empire pov

I heard of the attack and asked the Germans if I could intervene to help them with them agreeing to this. So I announced the war declaration on the Soviets in honor of the AXIS-Allie treaty which I completely made up on the spot and decided to have it created in case anyone knew it was a fake. I began to send my naval forces to help the Germans while I had my army land in the Kola penisula. I then quickly had them set up camp there and begin to push with the goal of taking as much land as possible before the Soviets could arrive to cause me problems. I then smiled as Finland asked me for the Kola Penisula in exchange for joining the war. I knew that fighting them would be hard for me so I agreed to this but told them only the Kola Penisula and any further would result in war which Finland made a face similar to understanding this. So I smiled as they joined the war with our forces helping take all the lands Finland wanted so I transferred the lands to Finland and I had my forces stop and wait for when we begin to charge for the next offensive that is planned.

Finland pov

I smiled as I gained everything I claimed but I knew I needed to fill my end of the deal as the British are a superpower that has been growing in power even more making their already huge power difference with me even bigger. So I had my armies focus on protecting my new lands and integrating them into my nation so that they can be used against the Soviet menace.

Imperial Japan pov

I smiled as the Germans called me in and I began to push with the goal of taking as much as I can before the Soviets can arrive to fight me. After I took the borderlands of the Soviets near me and Manchuria we focused on taking the Sakailand Islands which fell 4 hours after. I then had them stop while my navy and air force focused on controlling the sea or air zones we need to control until we decide to commit to another offensive once again.

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