Cold war 2 part 4

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Portugal pov

My economy has been going pretty well thanks to the AAEU so I decided to announce that I would become a federation with every colony becoming a member of the federation. I smiled as my manpower grew as more people were willing to join the army with my economy feeling something similar to it. With this boost in military and economy I became a much bigger player in the Allies and AAEU with my economy now the 5th most powerful in the AAEU. This had made me a big player in the economic union with most nations in the Allies now less powerful than me with exceptions to this of course but I am now more of a player in both alliances I am in but not one of the top players in the Allies and close to the top in the AAEU.

German Reich pov

With the US on our side and the Portugese growing in power the Communists are really in a tough spot. Ich wonder if they can fight it back? Regardless Ich best make sure Ich grow with mein spy agency making sure no Soviet spies reach anything important alongside them capturing many Soviet spies in mein nation. This makes sense to me as Ich am the leader of the AXIS meaning if Ich fall a huge player in Europe and their faction would fall with me.

Soviet union pov

I have to turn this around if I am a lost cause in the cold war... So I smiled when 13th Dalai Lama, Ma Lin, Ma Zhongying, and Ma Hongbin asked to join the faction which will help even the battlefield alongside an increase in the Comintern's economy. So I let them all in to help even the tide of the cold war onto my side just a little bit more economically and militarily.

British Empire pov

Well this changes things very much changing the Asian part of the cold war into our enemies favor... Let's hope we can even it out because I sense the tide is turning against us and for the Soviets now...  The ball is in our playing field and we must make a good shot or the Soviets will end up scoring next time which won't be good for us at all. So I decided to focus on investments to boost my economy and military as I fear the communists might cause rebellions in my grand empire...

Imperial Japan pov

I knew Nationalist China would be a good ally so I asked them to ally use which they accepted under conditions I did not expand further into China and helped them economically which I accepted as my economy slightly grew from this alongside the AXIS gaining a brand new member. So I focused on boosting my economy so that my economy can support my army much easier alongside more independence from trade.

USA pov

The growing tensions are increasing so my trade with the AAEU has caused me to gain money which has boosted my economy a lot. So I had my military become very powerful I then announced that talks for a United States entrance into the Allies is occuring. I smiled as my public supported this which has helped us support this movement much easier as the Congress still has some people against this as they are isolationists that don't want war in the USA. Unfortuantly for them the public wants it so I can't deny them it especially since war is inevitable.

Northern Ireland pov

I put on my kilt and watched my people from my balcony. My people love the British since we are now considered a colony instead of a direct piece of land under the United Kingdom. So my people loved this as we were independent while also being under the British crown which benefits both sides in the ways we want it too. Those Ireland wants to join us I knew we wouldn't unless the British made them part of us as a united colony as well. I invested into my military and economy and they are pretty good in comparison to other colonies such as the British middle east which is bigger than me yet I have a better economy compared to theirs.

Spain pov

The tensions are rising but with my newfound stable nation I knew I could handle the growing international tensions in the world if I have to. I focused on my army and economy while making my African lands in Africa in the Sahara desert called Spanish Sahara to help gain more economy alongside military which worked pretty well with a little bit of manpower being added alongside a good sized economic bonus to my economy.

France pov

Communist support has been noticably rising with my government trying to contain it but failing horribly. Communism became a major political party after 5 months of the communist rise which the British and Germans have been trying to help me stop the rising communist party. 

USSR pov

With my support France shall fall to communism making one of the biggest colonial empires my ally but the Germans and British having been making it hard to do so I knew I had to send even more equipment to help them take control of France. With the Comintern returning to power we shall take down the people who defeated us before in war known as World war 2 and I shall win WW4 this time. I focused on my economy and military since the added trade has boosted my economy so I have to use it to my advantage for as long as I can use it to my advantage.

German Reich pov

This is not good with the Soviets gaining the upper hand in Asia I have to turn the tides quickly or the cold war will lead to a world war that will have fate be on the Soviets side. I have to change this or the Soviets will win and my children will die to the Soviet scum and their communist alliance.

New Zealand pov

My economy is going pretty well alongside my military size but with the rising tensions my economy has been increasing alongside my military with my father's help. I am scared what if this war gets me killed! I sat in a corner and cried my eyes out worried my father and myself because of this coming world war...

Australlia pov

I was in New Zealand's capital when I heard crying? I was coming here to talk to New Zealand about the rising tensions in the world but I guess it's affecting bro more than I thought. I walked in quietly and hugged him as he began to cry in my chest. Man I shouldn't have worn my good dress for this but it don't matter cuz my little bro needs some calming down... I need to talk to my father because this cold war is causing much more problems to the family than I thought it was.

British Empire pov

I heard crying in my son New Zealand's capital after I went on a trip to talk to him because I noticed he felt sad. I then ran to his room after I heard crying and I saw my daughter Australia holding my little brother's head in her chest because he was crying...

British Empire: W-what happened?

Australia: The political war is going to far pops

British Empire: I don't want this I am trying to get peace but the communists won't listen to me neither do the World defenders...

New Zealand: It's o-okay dad please I just want to spend time with you like after WW1!

British Empire: I'll try... You know what I have an idea that will fix the family I swear

Australia: It better pops

Family drama~

Author: Yeah it is rather funny

So your doing that formable?

Author: Yes I am Eris

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