WW4 part 3

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USA pov

I smiled as with my navy we had finally entered Cuba with us quickly capping them within 6 months of fighting so I my forces to Honduras so that I can quickly clear the American front before it becomes a future problem. My forces in Europe were key in capturing Prussia which did gain me some favor with the AXIS which could be key in the future when it comes to the end of this world war which looks like we shall win it. My navy also began to move to strike the Soviet ports with the goal of weakening supply lines and prevent any kind of Soviet naval invasion at all in general on any of our allies.

Romania pov

I was losing ground to the AXIS with Poland on the verge of losing Warsaw with the British in Ukraine now flanking my Western side due to a new offensive by them. Italian Armenia is pushing into the South with plans to meet with British Ukraine which would make fighting them even harder so I decided to capitulate to their demands. This is because I will either die to riots, losing my capital, or falling to a pro AXIS/Allied coup so doing it now would prevent further waste of Romanian manpower later. 

Italy pov

With the fall of Romania we decided to commit to a peace treaty for the Balkans so that we can have some less occupied lands to deal with as it is starting to become a pain for us. So Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and I decided to sign the treaty of Sofia.

Treaty of Sofia

(Using https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Romanian_license_plate_codes.png )

- Constanta is ceded to Bulgaria

- Doji, and Olt are ceded to Bulgaria

- Moldova is released as a Bulgarian puppet

- Tulcea, Galati, is annexed by Moldova

- Hungary annexes all of the region of Banat, Crisana, Satmar, and Translvania

- Romania pays heavy war reps

- Moldova is not involved in World war four

- Romanian government replaced with a pro AXIS government

- The current Romanian government is exiled

Signed by Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, and Romania

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