WW4 final part

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Geneva convention final part


- Releases the Yucatan Penisula as Yucatan Republic (American sphered)

- Cedes border strip to the US

- Cedes Baha California to the US

- Pays heavy war reps to the Allies and AXIS


- Pays heavy war reps

Jin Clique

- Annexed by Nationalist China

Gui Clique

- Annexed by Imperial Japan

Prussian Republic

- Government is executed

- Is reclaimed by the German Reich

Poland (used WW2 Poland provinces)

- Cedes the entire Polish corridor to the German Reich

- Cedes all former Hungarian lands

- Cedes all former German lands

- Skalat, Kopyczynce, and Zbaraz to British Ukraine

- Tranopol is released as an independent nation

- Krakow is annexed by Germany

- Lodz is released as a German puppet

- Wilno is split between German Baltics and Belarus

- Suwalki, Kolno, Szczuczyn, and Augustow to Germany

- Lowo is released as an independent nation

- Kielce is released as an independent nation

- Warsaw is released as an independent nation

- None of the released nations can unite until the British Empire falls

- Poland pays heavy war reps

- Poland accepts WW3 and WW4 are on them

- Poland can't have more than 10k military

- Poland can't have an air force

- Poland can't have a navy

- Poland can't invade anyone for 50 years

- Disband the World defense

Signed by the Allies, Warsaw, Lodz, Lowo, Kielce, World defense, Belarus, German Baltics, Transpol, and the Yucatan Republic

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