Some of the reactions to the British signing the Anti-Comintern pact

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Dominion of Canada pov

I was shocked at this but understood as the Germans are a growing problem for the communists which have been a huge problem for us so an alliance or friendly relations was something that was bound to happen anyways. My people were intially worried at first as they heard of what occured to the Jews but the Germans and their people backed the fact that the Jews were being less supressed but the German government. This calmed my people and government down with support of a British-German relation being expressed as the Jews of Germany alongside others being supressed were no longer being supressed.

USSR pov

Darn it the Germans are now allied with the biggest nation in the world and with the British stabilizing the most problematic colony of the British Raj much harder for me to fund rebels in them if I wanted too. I also knew that their increasing economy caused them to be even more stronger as their army also increased in size making it a much bigger threat and the fact that they were all getting trained by professional soldiers would make them an even bigger threat to an unexperienced army such as mine. So I focused on increasing my economy and amry size to hopefully make dealing with them easier if I have too.

USA pov

I am honestly happy about this as my father allied with someone who held good relations with me aside from their supression of the Jews which is being undone which has increased my relarions with them even further. Since my persident is a strong believer in his homeland changing from being an evil nation to a reformed nation helped relations out heavily. Maybe I should join the Anti-Comintern pact as well?

Imperial Japan pov

This is an odd event in the international stage. But with this occuring it means I could have more backup for when I will kill China plus more international backing for my actions. But that does not mean I should be carefree with this and I should focus on staying friends with the British before their dominions make them hate me once again.

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