Cold war 2 part 2

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( I am using as the map minus Korea, Singkang, and Manchuria of course)

Yue Clique pov

My economy and military are pretty strong but I worried about the British who have been focused on expansion alongside the Portuagese showing desires of expanding their colonial empire. So when the Japanese requested me to become their puppet I knew it would spare me from British and Portugese attack so I accepted this with them changing my name Japanese China with me becoming a colony in their colonial empire. I guess my dress could become more Japanese I guess.

Jin Clique pov

I knew the AXIS and Allies were my enemies so I asked the World defenders if I could join as the Communists are a rising power while the World defenders are still actually back to a global alliance so joining them would help me plus the World defenders have a NAP with Imperial Japan meaning they can't touch me temporarily. The Polish let me in which I helped them out by trading with them and them trading with me so that our economies can be less dependent on other nations.

Gui Clique pov

I was worried about the growing tensions of the world but my best friend Jin Clique joined the World defenders... They are a good idea so I decided to join them as well because if my good friend wants to be in the faction that means it is a good faction to choose. My economy has grown pretty powerful thanks to trading with the World defenders with my military also pretty strong as well.

Nationalist China pov

I got a demand of the former German colonies giving them back to Germany and with their power I gave it back knowing I would die if I even attempted to do it. The colonial German Empire is starting to return and they are already a huge threat as it is on their own.

German Reich pov

I smiled as my economy with German China returning to my colonial empire so I focused on boosting their military due to the rising World defenders presence which has quickly made this cold war the AXIS and the Allies vs the Comintern and the World defenders. I have to even the influence in Asia or we will end up losing Asia to the World defenders and Comintern if we do not focus on it too much luckily for me Japan can help us fight the influence in Asia much easier. Let's hope the British help me fight the growing Polish influence all over the world with Dijibuti leaving the French during WW3 with them joining the World defenders making the Dijibuti a heavily fortified naval base for the World defenders.

British Empire pov

With an influencing race in Asia occuring this makes British Raj much more important so I decided to force Jin Clique to give me Tiānjīn which I used to boost my economy and military just a little bit more. This did cause world tension but not enough to cause a war so I focused on boosting my economy and military for the coming war while also repairing any damaged parts of my economy or military in need of a repairs.

France pov

I knew of the coming war between the World defenders, Comintern, and the AXIS alongside the allies so I decided to pick a side by joining their economic union under the condition that they have military access through my lands and can't join a faction they are fighting which I understood as if I prepare enough I could surpise attack them. So I focused on making sure my trades got through with my naval fleets decreasing to prevent the British from thinking I want to take their sea dominance with me also focusing on using the new economy opened with the decreased money focused on my navy to boost my own economy which will boost my army in case I get forced into a conflict. Let's hope I don't get brought into the 3rd world war in my history... 2 world wars were enough even though I barely fought in the 3rd world war which was my second world war for my history.

Imperial Japan pov

With my influence in China growing plus the concerns of the World defenders I knew I had to somehow kick the World defenders from the Asian continet or they could cause problems which could lead to my downfall which I don't want to face. I focused on using the new economy to increase my army, air force, and navy because I will need those for the next world war which I will probably get involved in or I will fight China... Either way I need to prepare for the future or the future will swallow my empire while leaving my allies to pick up the pieces. I also prepared for more research as I know I need to have the upper hand navally and when it comes to land if I ever want to fight the huge manpower pool of China while winning. China's tech is pretty far behind so I have to expand that tech gap or the chances of them kicking me out of mainland Asia are going to be guarenteed.

Italy pov

My navy is the 2nd strongest in the med behind the British Royal navy so I focused on boosting my colonial economy in order to boost mine and to help make sure they can survive while being cut off from me for as long as they possibly can so that I can save them alongside knowing how long I have before they can't be safe. I also had numerous backup plans with me having them save 1 million tons of food in case they get cut off from my nation leaving them to lose most of their food production. I also saved myself 5 million so if I am literally in downfall mode I can save my economy by just pulling out the food and using it on my people so my economy has a good while to recover before the economy has to face people buying food once more.

Poland pov

With my influence all over the world increasing I have to spread it to even the odds so I smirked as Mexico joined my side alongside Columbia which increased my influence in America to become a size able threat against the Allied influence in America while increasing our economies and military for when we face them in the future. Romania is one the road to recovering while I have fully recovered alongside USY which has restabilized themselves with the Romanian economy at its peak but is still weak from the war reps they must pay to their enemies which are many.

USSR pov

I smiled as the Comintern is making a comeback with Honduras joining the Comintern to help even the odds against the AXIS and Allies. I smiled as they began to focus on their economic power increasing and their military power which helped out the alliance significantly. Thanks to their economic power which helped the power of the Comintern grow so we can fight the Allies and/or AXIS just a little bit easier at the end of the day.

German Reich pov

With my power increasing my economy and military are some of the top in the world. I smiled as my morale and stability are horribly strong with my military known as the most powerful mainland army. I also focused on making sure all of my power was at it's peak with the mission of expanding my relatively small colonial empire with the desire to combat the USA and take Cuba as my father wished to do but the British got scared by their navy which was understandable when I think about it so I knew that if I beat the Comintern I will annex Cuba to honor the German colonial dreams of WW1.

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