WW3 part 2

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Romania pov

I smiled as I made slight pushes into Bulgaria but frowned at the huge losses that were taken for those small pushes. So I focused on growing my army back to its original and boosting my economy to support an even BIGGER army. I knew that the Bulgarians were fighting us off with less men yet were pushing the Turkish army with 100k and they were beating 200k back easily.... What the hell did the Germans train them in the Bulgarians did use to be the Prussia of the Balkans but not they are tanking 2 armies with the equivilant of 1 army easily while crushing the equivilant of 1 army with half an army!?

German Reich pov

I smiled as my push into Yugoslavia with Italian aid was easy... The Italian army did some questionable things but my army 'looked' the other way. My generals told me about it and I told them to not tell anyone as the Italians are in a literal race to save their people so they need to let out their stress. I told Italy about this with the Italian nation nervous about it but I told them that as long as they weren't full on genociding villages which made them calm down. (Honestly by questionable things I meant them just attacking people not murdering but their torture methods of the enemy armies... that is very questionable) I focused on trying to push them back out of Slovakia with Czech helping me push them out of Slovakia alongside a combined offensive into both Western Poland and Southern Poland to fight a huge front to force them to weaken their defenses in other areas. Unfortuantly Prussia did fall but I will get it back so why should I care?

British Empire pov

I smiled as our soldiers finally got to the Blakc sea coast with 2 million tons of food coming to it to send 1 million to both colonies while I began to focus on pushing the people back with the Arabian federation being given occupation of all provinces that are 10% or more Arabic in Turkey. I smiled as my armies pushed the Turkish as much as possible with some of the British army going to British Ukraine and Italian Armenia which they both celebrated with the armies that escorted the food. The public of Italian Armenia and British Ukraine called the British Empire's armies the heroes of those in need of freedom which they essentially made the British army look like heroes. Eventually they all went to help Bulgaria fight in the Balkans with operation opening which was the taking of the strait so that food supplies can come to them navally. I also made it top priority for food supplies coming to the colonies in the black sea to be protected as they have been starved for a total of 2 weeks so who knows how their minds have been effected by it.

Turkey pov

I am a collapsing nation as I have lost around 50% of my land with my nation cut in half with the Arabians claiming the entire East of Turkey. I knew that I am fighting a losing war at this point as my allies can't even take on Bulgaria. FREAKING BULGARIA! I surrendered knowing full well that I have lost this war... Let's hope my allies can somehow save me but I doubt they could save me at this rate.

Treaty of Baghdad


- Loses border strip to the Syrian Republic

- Cedes all claimed lands the Arabian federation claims (from Arabian Federation's land to the black sea and from the entire Right side of Turkey to the province of Adana)

- Cedes Mugla, Aydin, Antalya, Burdur, Denzli, and Isparta to Italian Turkey (Italian colony)

- Cedes all lands in Turkey and Yalova to Bulgaria (yep Turkey is kicked out of Europe I can hear the people who hate Turkey screaming in happiness)

- Sinop, Samsun, Ordu, Tokat, Amasya, Corum, and Giresun are annexed by British Turkey (British colony)

- Bulgaria puppets Turkey

- Pays heavy war reps to Italian Armenia and British Ukriane

- Accepts that any people who died in the British Ukrainian famine and Italian Armenian famine are on them

Signed by the British Empire, Italian Turkey, British Turkey, Arabian Federation, Syrian Republic, Bulgaria, and Turkey

Poland pov

Darn it Turkey fell meaning even more forces will be focused on us... I'll have to peace them out and next time we fight I'll call in the Comintern to help our cause next time this happens... I decided to continue to fight to try and get us a more favorable treaty because I know I am going to lose but I have to try to get my alliance the best treaty I can... or what is left of my mighty alliance. I smiled as my army began to push the enemy back even pushing into the German mainland with huge success. I then decided to stop after taking the entire East of Germany with Berlin in my sights so I can refuel my army and take Berlin.

German Reich pov

I have been pushed to Berlin!? I quickly pulled my forces from Yugoslavia and Romania to push Poland back which works as I begin to push them back towards their land. Italy has to hold them off or this war will become a Polish victory as my war support is beginning to drain alongside my stability. I need to end this soon or I will die and my dreams of uniting all Germanic people will end in flames instead of a blaze of glory to be remembered like I wanted it to be... I WILL NOT LOSE TO POLAND OF ALL PEOPLE!

Italy pov

I smiled as I still pushed despite the Germans leaving the Balkan front with Bulgaria making huge gains against the Balkans as well. We are gonna win this war. FOR ITALIAN ARMENIA! I smiled as Romania got pushed to their mountains with my army stopping as I sent my mountaineer core to push the mountains of Romania while my armies moved to finish off the Yugoslavian train wreck.

Bulgaria pov

I smiled as most of my lands from before the 2nd Balkan war are mine again so I needed to help Italy murder Romania as I noticed the Germans are starting to fall so we need to put pressure on the World defenders to help the Germans be able to pull back their entire army to push back Poland. I smiled as the Yugoslavian army got encircled by Italy and I when we took Montenegro which was the only thing connecting what Yugoslavia still holds in Macedonia encircling a total of 60% of their entire army which essentially knocked them mostly out of this world war.

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