WW4 part 4

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Soviet Union pov

It has been 5 years of fighting but I still have not surrendered despite my entire faction falling but me. I happily forced the enemy into a stalemate for about 1 year and have still kept what I have called the Stalemate peace era. My air force has contained dominantion attempts of the sky with my remaining 600k holding the millions trying to break this stalemate. The reason I haven't pushed is because of the fact that I know my attempts would fail and open a small gap for them to push then finish this off.

British Empire pov

With the stalemate occuring and war support draining at a slow but noticeable pace I called a AXIS-Allied meeting to see if we can launch something.


Germany: We need to break this stalemate

British Empire: I have an idea to solve this Germany

Hungary: How? We are in need of ending this war very soon especially with the public threatening to coup us and end it themselves.

British Empire: We should use the nukes

USA: I-isn't that a little but too inhumane

British Empire: USA I would love to agree with you but we can't breach their defenses so this is the only option we have avaliable.

Germany: How do we drop it?

Italy: Easy we all use our air force to combat their air force then through the fight we drop the bomb and all of the air force falls back alongside out men.

Imperial Japan: Are we sure we should do this? The public might not like if we nuke the capital city of a former superpower nation which is the 2nd largest nation in the world right now.

Germany: Japan I would agree but tell me what is the best option Endlessly wasting manpower until we fall to a coup, or we nuke them and take the stability hit while winning the war that has lasted FOR 20 DAMN YEARS!

British Raj: So are we all in agreeance?

All: Yep

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