Poland marks its own path

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Poland pov

I know I can't trust the Soviet scum and the Germans plus British are now enemies to me as well. So I decided to try and see my standing with France with the French reporting full protection of my nation. This must mean the British might be an enemy of France which means they would love to support me. So I decided to try and form a faction with the Romanians and French accepting an entrance into it. I announced the creation of the Eroupean protection pact which caused would help me protect myself from the Germans or the Soviets in case they grow to become greedy for what I have left of my nation.

British Empire pov

The French are slowly allying with the Polish and with the faction creation it makes it assured. So I decided to try and even these by trying to expand my economy and military by introducing more people into the army alongside a huge economic expansion via factory placements in uninhabited islands of the Dominion of Canada which made them an economic powerhouse alongside a huge boost to my economy.

USSR pov

With the growing influence of the Polish,British, Germans, plus my nation is causing huge world tensions in the world. So I decided to try to increase my economy and military in other ways to help even the odds as the Comintern compared to other factions is horribly small when it comes to members but in size I in the middle as the British Empire is the biggest nation at the time including their dominions. I also began to search for members to help expand my faction size and even the odds against the other factions.

Portugal pov

I was asked for an entrance into the allies and due to the relations I currently have with the British I thought about it. I decided to think about all the possible things that could occur with me deciding to enter as the allies is a good friend with the AXIS. This means that if the Spanish tried to attack me not only would I have the biggest empire in the world on my side but I would also have the AXIS one of the strongest factions when it comes to their land army on my side. So I decided to enter the Allies to help even the odds against the communists of the East.

Italy pov

Thanks to Ethiopia being mine I decided to try and insure that when the war occurs I don't instantly lose the horn to the British. So I turned it into an Italian protectorate known as the Italian horn of Africa and focused on boosting my economy in other ways using as little money as possible. This helped boost my economy slightly which even the littlest amount can save a war effort for months if used correctly plus the manpower is making me a stronger military power. But I knew my military leaders were not ready so I decided to focus on making my officers smarter so that my leaders are compentent as the Germans have proven via their combined trainings that even with less manpower they could easily slaughter my army if they have too.

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