Ch-000-Authors Note-?

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Authors Note :

Thank you for reading this story that I've spent so much time on. Even during my hizalts for a month, I was still planning out this story.

How it Started :

I was originally looking for a book where Philza (best crow father) had a kid. Not the regular adoption AU's, but one where he actually adopted a kid, while still being a streamer and YouTuber. I couldn't find one. I started thinking about it, and how the story would go for it. Then I made my own story since I couldn't find one.

I originally planned for this story to focus more on the YouTuber and streamer side of things, but it went off the track for a bit. I also wanted to show what Alex's first saw in school was like, his first friend. A bit of drama, that turned into more drama. I connected some of the drama into Philz's online life a bit.

Going off the not well-planned rails a bit helped me form more of a story and a plan in my head. When first starting this I had no idea what way it would go or end.

I also had no idea how much people would read and like this book, Phil's Kid.

I also had no idea how much people would read and like this book, Phil's Kid

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Right now Phil's Kid has 367K views and 15K votes. That's insane! I didn't think it could keep growing after 100K! Even then I was wondering how I got here. Maybe it has to do with how I started posting.

Tip :

Here's a tip for some writers, or inspiring writers, or anyone.

When I posted my first chapter I already had a few more chapters ready to go, and I kept writing more every day. This was during the height of covid when I could write a new chapter every day since I was quarantined for so long. But writing every day can also tire you out a lot.

I posted the first few chapters every day. Then I keep going. Posting new chapters every day. I wrote every day and posted every day. I had a lot of free time, and a decent start to the story planned out.

My chapters are only 1,000 to 1,500 words long. That many words per chapter don't work for everyone, but it worked for my story and how I wrote it. So I could make a new chapter every day if I knew what I was writing about.

Eventually, quarantining stopped and people started living their lives again. So I stopped posting every day. I went on a hizalts for about a week and two before posting weekly. After a bit of that, I needed a break again that was a month-long. After that month I really came back to Phil's Kid.

Another Tip :

Another tip. Don't force yourself to keep writing, especially if you don't have any ideas. It's good to take a break, and maybe on the break you'll think of new ideas, or when you come back with new eyes you'll have a new plan.

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