Chapter 1: Magic

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My brother and I suddenly woke to the banging of the staircase and the annoying voice of our cousin.

My brother Harry and I, share a mat on the floor. We slept in a room under the staircase.

It was a shame that I had woken up. I had just been dreaming about last year. My younger brother didn't know it yet but I knew that we had magic. Last year, I had snuck out of the house after one of the beatings I usually got from uncle Vernon. I was gone for a couple of hours. Eventually, I made it back under the excuse that I had gotten lost after walking to the play ground.

I got picked up by some bus and the man took me to a place called diagon alley. He told me that I was a witch.

After I had gotten there, I asked an adult where I was, and what to do. His name was Kingsley Shacklebolt. He was very nice and was shocked when I introduced myself.
He took me to a place called Gringots and said he needed to confirm who I was. It was there that I met Mr.Klinge the goblin. I learned of this new world and my new identity.

I also learned one more important thing. Harry and I were destined to be an important pair of kids.

My brother was the chosen one. While I, was found in a separate room during the attack.

At Gringots, I was told to do an inheritance check. Turns out, Harry and I had two different mothers. I was given to them by my mother who left after I was born. Dad had cheated on Lily just before she found out that she was pregnant. My birthday and Harry's is two weeks apart. Mine was last week. I had even gotten my letter, but it was hidden with the journal. I have to wait for harry to get his.

Mr.Klinge gave me access to my own vault and I took the journal that was from my ancestor. The journal of the one ancestor that my brother didn't have supposedly. Morgana Pendragon.

I was shown one of her portraits and was said to look just like her. She was close to Merlin supposedly.

I also learned she had spells in her over time I've been learning wandless magic. Only when I was alone, but it was enough to hold me over until this coming week. The week he turns eleven.

"We better get up Celeste." He told me as I began to open the door. It was pushed shut by our cousin making me land on harry. I groaned and harry laughed at me.

We both eventually got up and made our way to the kitchen to hear Aunt petunia praising our cousin.

"Why don't you cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything." She told harry. I already knew what my job was. I grabbed the kettle and started the tea. I made the drinks and served the food.

"I want everything to be perfect, for my duddleys special day!" She is so stupid.

"Hurry up. Bring my coffee girl. And her tea." Uncle Vernon snapped while pointing to his wife. I quickly set it down and stepped away from the table.

'I have half a mind to spit in it old man.' I thought to myself.

I look over the spoiled child that was now complaining about how many presents he had just gotten. Thirty six isn't enough?

After breakfast, we made our way to the car where we both received a warning from vernon about behaving ourselves at the zoo. Eventually he let us get in the car. Only reason they let us go was because last time the left us, I set the kitchen on fire No, it wasn't on purpose. Just a bit of failed magic. You can't win them all.


We made it to the zoo and had been there for about half the day until duddley wanted to see the reptiles. The first thing he wanted to see was this brown snake. He yelled about how it was boring and moved along. I wasn't paying attention till I heard harry start making hissing noises.

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