Chapter 20: Engaged

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  "Presenting Her Majesty Celeste Pendragon, the Queen of Camelot, and her escort Heir Draco Malfoy of the most ancient and noble house of Malfoy." Sir Samuel announced.

  Clapping and gasps were heard while Draco and I descended the stairs. I was wearing his ring and finally, was the woman on his arm. Usually, I never had an escort for a formal occasion outside of school as it was improper. Unless one had an understanding with said person.

"Your majesty?" I smiled at a confused Lucius and his wife.
"I'm sorry we hid it from you Lucius we wanted it to be a surprise," I told him.

"Your majesty..." I turned to greet the next person and soon a line formed. Everyone was either greeting the Malfoys or greeting me.

"We did send the Weasleys and my brother an invite yes?" I asked through my smile Draco.

"Yes dear, of course, I wouldn't forget your brother." I sighed and looked around once more.

"You look distracted darling?" He guided me away from the line of greetings toward the drinks. He handed me a glass of champagne.

"I'm worried." I spilled. I explained how I was upset that he wasn't there and how nervous I was about his reaction if it was to be public. His response was by far the best way to stop me from worrying. He pulled me close and kissed me.

We stayed huddled in our little bubble until someone came over and popped it. That person so happened to be Sir Samuel. He pointed out that Merlin and he were to be outside as the great lion was starting to scare some people.

I looked over to see him flicking his tail at people as he passed by so they would shout.

"That's just fine. Draco and I were about to have our dance." I said as our song came on.

The knights cleared the floor as Draco and I glided forward.

Our song was a centuries-old waltz and we made sure to use the entire ballroom as our floor. We could go anywhere as long as we had each other. The feeling of his arms around me, made me feel vulnerable and small. He was so tall! Sometimes I could just curl up in his arms and let him be the one to take control of the world even for just a second. He gave me that feeling of safety, love, and happiness. I just hoped that one day Harry could accept that.

We danced for another few minutes until the song ended up making our way to the staircase.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Draco used a sonorous charm with his wand so everyone would turn their attention to us.

"Thank you for coming tonight. I know that the Queen and I are thankful for the opportunity to spend time with you all and see you before school resumes in the next few days. But the real reason we brought you here wasn't for the Malfoy annual ball." Draco stepped closer to me and held my right hand.

"We are proud to announce that we have an understanding!" Cheers went up throughout the room and toasts were made. Expensive bottles of wine made their way through the room and Draco escorted me over to his parents.

"Congratulations...I'm very pleased." Lucius told us. We spoke for a while longer before Draco dragged me back onto the dance floor.

That night I would remember forever. I was truly happy in the arms of the man who won my heart and saw me as Celeste, not the queen.


Later that night we were laying on his bed. The one he had specifically enlarged to fit Merlin! He now slept at our feet.

"Do you think that my brother will come around?" I asked Draco with my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around me.
"Darling of course he will. You are his sister. He will want you to be happy, he just has a lot going on the fight now." I huffed and hid my head in his neck.

"I'm ticklish stop it." I slowly pulled my head away.
"Are you?" I asked with a smirk while I kissed him.

"Yes, I am." He rolled us over so he was on top of me.
"I have a present for you. I had to wait until you said yes." He pulled out a little box.

And just like that I had a fiance. I moved all of my heiresses rings to my right hand and had only his on my left. Celeste Pendragon-Malfoy? Celeste Malfoy. I like that.

The next few days went fast and we found ourselves back on the train to Hogwarts. We sat in his Slytherin compartment this time. Theirs was a lot better than ours plus easier to guard or so Sir Samuel said.

"Everything will be alright." He soothed drawing shapes on my hand. My knee was bouncing and I kept looking at the door.
"Dragon what if it's not though?"

"Then you have me. You have the Wizarding world. You have Camelot. Morgana, sir Samuel, and Merlin."


It was the end of the first day back. People had been congratulating Draco and me constantly. I just couldn't stop staring at the ring. It was gorgeous.

"Your majesty." I turned back to the conversation with Albus. We were in his office discussing Umbridge.

"She is getting too much power here. I might have to step in." I told him.

"You must remain neutral for all of the plan to work. If you interfere that means Draco has to choose sides earlier. That can't happen." Somehow Dumbledore knew things and I didn't question it.

"Then we-" I was cut off by the doors of the office slamming open causing Merlin to hop to his feet and growl. You shouldn't startle a fully-grown lion.

"See! See! I told you!" I heard the pink toad squeal.
"Dumbledore's army!" She handed the minister a piece of paper. I stood up making him notice I was there.
"Your Majesty?" He asked as he bowed. I noticed Dolores didn't bow. I stayed there silently staring. I decided not to let the minister stand until he had her bow.

"Get down!" He whispered to her. I watched her do the smallest curtsie imaginable before I turned back to albus.

"Your majesty we have some troubling news." I looked to the Prime Minister. He motioned for Kingsley to open the door. I hadn't even seen him over there. He bowed and I nodded. Once the door was open Percy came in holding my brother and miss Cho.

I watched on as Dolores began spouting nonsense at the minister.

"We saw your smoke screen for what it was! A bid to seize control of the ministry." She spat in our direction.

"Naturally." I snapped my head in Albus's direction. He can't be serious?

"I instructed Harry to form this organization. And I, and I alone. Am responsible for its activities."

"Dispatch an owl to the Dailey profit. If we hurry we can still make the morning edition. Shacklebolt! You will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban." I looked at Albus. All he had to say were the words and I could get him out of this. He shook his head.

"I thought we might hit this little snag."

"Snag? What snag Dumbledore?" The minister hissed.

"You seem to be laboring under the delusion that I'm going to....what's the saying? Come quietly. I can tell you this, I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this!" Dolores whispered.
"Take him" She screeched.
There was a loud squeaking sound before Dumbledore was encased in flames having us all shield our eyes. He suddenly disappeared.

" may not like him minister...but you can't deny it. Dumbledore's got style!" I smiled at Shacklebolt and began to walk out.
"Might we ask for your involvement?" I turned to Dolores.

"Not unless you want to lose an arm. if you had the power to do so." I fake pouted at her, as Merlin growled.

She turned to Cornelius.
"Do something!" She screeched.
"Watch yourself, Dolores. Before you end up in the dungeons." I threatened as I made my way out of the room.

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