Chapter 14: Yule Ball

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  The first task was dragons.
As you would probably guess, I was furious. I was pacing Albus's office coming down on Crouch and him about the danger they could have toward not only my brother but everyone present. And to top it off there were three of them!

"He's in danger!" I told them during my rant.
"Do you know how many beatings I had to take because I didn't want him in danger! They are female nesting Dragons!Now look at you lot! Allowing a fifteen year old boy compete against dragons and other things!" I huffed and stood there with my hands on my hips.

"Well?" I questioned them.
"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Crouch and Albus just stared at me.

"They have a fourteen fifteen year old girl screaming and scolding them. Give them a moment to process your majesty." I looked at Sir Samuel, who seemed amused.

"Why are you so smug? Need I remind you that his safety also matters to my mental health, which also puts Camelot at risk!" His face dropped.
"Ma'am." He corrected himself, looking away.

I made my way out and down to the courtyard where hopefully I could relax.
But, instead, I was met with a spell hitting me. I was walking toward Harry and Draco, who were arguing when Harry turned to walk away. As Draco fumbled to get his wand, I was making my way over before I was hit.

Immediantly, I could hear Harry yelling and Merlin growling. I was just trying to figure out what happened. Looking down, I saw white paws? I turned to see a giant Merlin standing over my like a wide oak tree. What happened?

"Professor Moody! We do not use transfigurations on students!"
"Professor, that's not a student!" Someone shouted.
"He turned the queen into a ferret." Suddenly, I was spinning and was back to my old self. I rounded on Moody.

"Your ass is mine!" I pointed to Moody.

'Merlin! Drag him.' My great big cat launched himself at Moody and knocked him down before grabbing his robes with his teeth and dragging him behind me as we walked.


Alastor moody spent the next evening sitting in the dungeon while I thought over his punishment.

"He transfiguration the queen into an animal!" Sir Samuel yelled at Albus.
"He could have hit a student. Thank Merlin that he didn't." I pointed out.

"He didn't mean to hit you, your majesty. I beg you to be merciful."
I sat and pondered what he could do.

"A binding magical contract will do. Servitude to the Potter line." He bowed his head.
"Then it will be done."

Moody was eventually taken out and told that he could live in the dungeon or continue his life and serve my family line. He agreed, signed the paper, and immediately left the room. Hopefully, he learned his lesson.


The next morning was the first task. I was up in the judging box, but I had given Victor a kiss on the cheek for good luck, and Harry, a great big hug. Lord willing, I wouldn't lose either of them.

I was not present for the dragon picking, so I settled for having my wand in my hand and Sir Samuel in the tent down below, ready for anything. Protecting enchantments were placed on the students and multiple around me. Knights surrounded the area, and I had at least eight behind me.

The first three of the champions did well. Fair scores were given to each. They collected the golden egg and moved on.

My brother was up last.

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