Chapter 11: World Cup

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I had decided over the summer that Harry and I would go to Camelot in France. There was a lot to prepare for this coming year.

Sir Samuel and I went over every detail. My dress, where it was to be held, and how I would handle affairs from hogwarts. I had decided that I needed a bird so I could receive letters. To which Sir Samuel responded with buying me an eagle that I had named Allistor. 

My mother's advisors seemed to love me, but that could just be a power play. One of them had presented me with a list of possible good men for understandings. It had come to my attention that everyone thought I couldn't rule without a man by my side. Well, I am turning 15 next year. I had plenty of time to learn.

"Majesty." I turned back to the war room. I was looking out the window overseeing the town.

"Yes, sir?" I walked back to my chair and sat down.

"We must go over your living quarters. Once crowned queen, you can not just live like a normal student." I sighed but nodded.

"Then we will magically extend my room. It will remain in the griffindor common room. I will not be taken away from my house." I told the room. Mulitple men nodded, but I felt as though one man was hesitant Sir Cross.

"Mr.Cross what is it you are concerned of?" I questioned, weaving my fingers together on the table in front of me.
"Your knights ma'am." I gave him a confused look.

"Once crowned queen, you will have multiple guards following you a day. Not just three or four." I looked to Sir Samuel, who nodded in agreement.

"What about my classes?"
"Eight guards at least ma'am. More if it is an outdoor class." Mister Cross told me.

"Move the room for my guards closer to the griffendor common room then. And add another safe room as well for emergencies." I ordered as people began to run around with their orders. This year had to go perfectly, but was it bad that I was nervous? I was scared that once I wore that crown, I would let everyone down.

Our entire world depended on me.


I had agreed for Harry to leave Camelot early as he wanted to go with the Weasleys to the Quidditch Cup. I had also decided to go myself of course. I informed the minister of this as well for security reasons. He insisted I came to his box for the game. Over the last summer, I grew taller and gained more muscle due to my combat training in Camelot.

This paired with puberty had made my womanly features come in, and my face to be more sharp. The baby fat I had once had now replaced by high cheekbones. My hair is longer than ever down to my midback. I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a little ego boost about it.

We apparated with ten soldiers and Sir Samuel. The tent and horses with the carriage were already there.

Once we landed safely at a distance to the stadium, I was guided over to the carriage. It was a dark cherry black with six horses pulling it. In the front and back would be knights on horses while Sir Samuel rode with me and Merlin. He was now to mid body and had a mane. He was the most handsome boy. I reached over and gave him some love scratching behind his ear. He gave off a purr, and I gave him a kiss on the head.

It wasn't long before we made it to our destination with one of the knights blowing some horn to announce my presence.

(I didn't like the headdress so you can get rid of it.)

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