Chapter 16: The Trial

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    I sat at my desk with the window open feeling the breeze as it came into the gryffindor tower. Alistor had been arriving with letters since early morning and I haven't had a chance to stop replying to all of them yet.

   They were mostly regarding to my coronation but some were more personal. Draco had written me this morning and had asked if I would stay at his manor over the next break.
Sadly, I had to respond with a no. After my coronation things were going to become hectic. I had to adjust quickly.

     "Your Majesty." I turned to see Sir Samuel entering the room. I flexed my hand to get the blood flowing again. 
     "Yes Sir Samuel?" I inquired.
     "You are to eat lunch soon. You skipped breakfast in favor of paperwork ma'am." I sighed and stood up my long dress trailing behind me.

    "I'm coming now." I told him while I handed the last letter to my eagle.
   The last few days had been busy. I had the body of the dragon that Harry beat taken to Gringotts for the Goblins. They were very happy. I also looked into Dracos' relationship with Pansy. As he had said, it was nonexistent. She wasn't even his girlfriend.

    "Come, your Majesty." I followed Sir Samuel down to the great hall. I walked down the aisle, greeted everyone and gave Harry a hug before I sat down.

  I looked to my friends, Victor no longer sat with us but instead beside Hermoine. He had gotten some backlash for that from other students.

      "Your majesty, I know you just began eating.." I turned to Sir Samuel as I was taking another bite of my lunch. I nodded and took the bite.
    "Your mother is ill." I choked and hit my hand on the table. Quickly grabbing a sip of pumpkin juice, I turned my attention back to him.
   "What do you mean ill?" I questioned.

   "She is currently in the medical ward of the castle. She is bedridden. You will be expected to do more duties as she was overseeing most of them for you until coronation." I nodded. She would be fine, right? She was still my mother even if she didn't want me.

  "Then have all of the paperwork and workload sent directly to me. It's time I started to dive into the responsibilities that I would do as queen." He nodded and walked off.

"Are you sure?" I turned to Adeline and said yes.


It was now time for the third task. The stands were full of cheering people as the champions walked out. The bad was playing, and my knights were stationed around me. Then, the music stopped as Albus stepped forward.
  "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the triwizard cup in the center of the maze. Only he knows the exact position. As Mister Diggory was first place, he and Harry will have a head start." He stepped off of the podium and approached the champions. I imagine he was giving them a pep-talk.

   Dumbledore then sent them into their corners and sounded off the cannons for the four students to enter the maze.
     It was about an hour before red sparks could be seen shooting out of the maze. I stood, worried that it could be Harry.

   "Fleur Delacore is being received now. Only Krum, diggory, and Potter remain." Albus announced.

  Suddenly after another twenty minutes the band started to play again as Harry arrived in front of us. I made my way down but was shocked at the scene. The band had died down, and the cry of a father could be heard.
  "That's my boy! My boy!"
I covered my mouth and stepped back. I could feel someone's arm trying to get me away.
  "He's back! Voldemorts back!" Harry cried. I sucked in a breath and turned to Albus, who motioned for Moony to get Harry out of here.

   "Move the body. Students are everywhere. Take the father with him. He deserves to follow his son." I told Sir Samuel. I turned and used a charm on my voice wandlessly.



It was about fifteen minutes later that I felt a dark presence near my brothers mind.

'Albus!' I sent him my message, and he took off.
"Your majesty, if there is a dark presence here, we must get you to the safe room."

It was there we stayed until morning. All of the students gathered in the great hall once more.

"Today, we acknowledge a terrible loss. A student. A friend. Which is why I think you deserve to know how he died. He was murdered." I turned my head to Albus. What the hell was he doing!

"By Lord voldemort!" He doomed on while I figured out what to do in my head. The ministry, of course, would have to make a statement.

After the great hall, we all went to our dorm to begin packing. Everyone was leaving for every school.

  I was making my way to the train with Draco. He was upset that I could no longer attend his manor. I had no doubt someone else would be there.


The next few weeks were coronation preparing. I was in Camelot while Harry stayed with our relatives. Finally, the day had come, I was to be queen.

   Every pureblood and noble family were there. No matter the country, they flocked from everywhere to see the crown lowered on my head. The ministers of every country were there as well. My mother had taken a turn for the worst it seemed.

   After taking my vow and receiving my crown, I received a letter that would change my mind about celebrating. Harry was to be expelled due to underage magic in the presence of a muggle.

I quickly gathered the guard and made my way to Grimwald place. Dumbledore had told me the location before, and that's where I'm assuming he was.

Once arriving, I expected an explanation.

"There were dementors!" He told me. I became confused. There were not to be any near him. They were supposed to be guarding Azkaban. With knowing what was going on now, I made my way into the dining room with everyone. I still had my crown on but changed into a less formal dress.

   We were discussing how the minister of magic had not put out a statement. He did not believe voldemort was back. Harry was upset about the criticism he was receiving.

"Voldemort may be after something." Sirius told us.
"That's enough!" Molly defended.
"If you tell him anymore, you might as well induct him into the order straight away."

Harry then spoke up about the fact that he wanted to join. I shook my head.

"We will wait until the trial tomorrow. To bed all of you."


I apparated with Kinsley while Harry was escorted there.

I sat in a chair near the minister. This was unprecedented having a hearing in front of the whole wizengamot.

"Witness for the defense!" I smiled at Dumbledore entered.

"You received our letter about the time being changed, did you?" Cornelius asked.

Cornelius read off the charges and berated my brother about the incident and called for a vote before Albus announced that they had a witness. She described the dementors before I turned to the minister. Before I could speak, Dolores cleared her throat.

  "Excuse me, professor, but it sounds like you were implying that ghe ministry -" I cut her off.
"Cornelius ends the trial. Call for a vote. This is ridiculous. There is a witness and no proof that the ministry ordered anything. Implying so would be foolish." I gave her a pointed look as I spoke to him.

The vote was heavy sided. Harry was eventually cleared of all charges. Cornelius was not happy about that.

   Professor Dumbledore then walked out, ignoring Harry. I gave Cornelius a look before getting out of my seat. He just wasted my time.. and he was not controlling Dolores. He was getting on my nerves he needed to get his ranks in order.

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