Chapter 7: Minister

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  "Harry! Harry! Open the door!" Petunia shouted.

I sat on the couch with Merlin sitting at my feet. He was officially almost full-grown. He was getting bigger by the day.

"Uncle Vernon...I need you to sign this." Harry pulled a piece of paper out.
"What is it?" He asked Harry.
"School stuff."
"Later, perhaps if you behave." Vernon told him as he walked away.

"We will if she does." I said, pointing to the evil woman named Marge who had just walked in the door. She had an ugly little dog with her.

"OH, so you're both still here, are you?" She asked.

"Yes." I said while her stupid dog began to sniff at Merlin.
"You might want to curb that tongue of yours." She told me.
"Then get your dog away from my lion....before I give him to Merlin for dinner." I smirked.

"You should've been given to an orphanage." She retorted.
"I would love to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head the far up my arse." I snapped.

I smirked at her offended face.

"Merlin. запугивать." I commanded. Immediately, he was growling at the small dog. As he had gotten too close to him.(Intimidate)

They all had the good sense to be scared for a minute before I had Merlin follow me up the stairs.

I had left him in the room for his meal time, while I went downstairs once more to help Harry serve dinner.

"Every time you snap in my face is another time I spit in your food." I snapped at her. She had been commanding my brother, and I, too, feel her dog. No wonder he was so fat and slobbery.

"Where are you sending them, vernon?" She asked him.
"Saint brutices. They have a fine institution for helpless cases."

"Do they have a cane at Saint bruticis, boy?" She asked Harry.
"Yes." I heard Harry reply. I looked over to him in confusion. I delved into his mind.
'She is a muggle.' He reminded me.

"Good. Don't blame yourself about how this one turned out Vernon. It's all to do with blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the fathers boy did, Petunia?" She asked, holding up her brandy cup to her mouth.

"Nothing. He didn't work -"
"And a drunk, too, no doubt..."

"That's a lie." I looked at Harry.
"What did you say, boy?"

"Our father wasn't a drunk." I glared at her and sent a wave of concentration her way, making her glass break. Immediately, Vernon was glaring at me.

"Don't fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip." She soothed our aunt.

"I think it's time you both went to bed."
"Quiet Vernon. You...clean it up." She snapped her fingers at Harry again. I'm gonna turn her dog into a frog.

They went back to their conversation while Harry cleaned it up.
"Actually, it has nothing to do with the father. It's all to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch then there's something wrong with the pup-"

"Shut up! Shut up!" I took a step closer to Harry as the lights began flickering.
"Right! Let me tell you!" She pointed her finger at him. I watched as it began to grow. Not longer but puffed up? Harry! Oh my gosh.

She grew and grew and grew. Until, she was a big ball of hair. The dog at her side whining.

"Vernon. Vernon! Do something!" As he began to try to grab her the dog started to bite his leg.

"Ow! Let go of that, Ripper! Ow!"
One by one her buttons started shooting off hitting duddley in the head. She began to float upwards. She bounced off of the ceiling and into the sun room before heading out the open double doors. I held Harry's and as we watched Vernon, Petunia, and the dog dangle from Vernon's sister. Good riddance.

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