Chapter 12: Tri-wizard

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The day after we got back to hogwarts was the day that the other schools arrived. As per tradition, I was wearing only gowns this year, so I decided to go all out for before my coronation. As we all entered the hall, I made my way to my new chair, Merlin, now at my feet. I had missed him. He was now almost fully grown and his mane longer.

A larger, more detailed chair like throne now sat at the top of the griffendor table. I'm assuming because of my upcoming coronation this year.

  We listened to Dumbledore as he began to go on about the triwizard cup tournamwnt that we would be hosting.

    "Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-wizard tournament. Now, for those of you who do not know the tournament, it brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now, let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, are not for the faint hearted. But more of that later...for now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the beauxbatons academy of magic."

I watched as the doors opened and in floated multiple pretty girls. More than half had to have been veela. They pranced in and bowed to the students before making their way to the front. Some girl did gymnastic tricks while a large woman came in the door. I turned back to the girls to see one girl and the one who did gymnastics bowing to me. I smiled and nodded back.

As the girls moved to the ravenclaw table, I looked to Dumbledore.

"And now our sons from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their headmaster Igor Kakaroff!" I smiled and watched as a line of men marched in, pounding their walking sticks on the ground. All dressed in red uniforms, fur coats, and hats on. Then suddenly, they all took off running. Some of them are doing spins on the floor in front of the tables. Two boys were blowing fire dragons. I turned back to see the headmaster but instead found Victor bowing and reaching for my hand. His headmaster walked by as I extended my hand for a kiss. He eyed the both of us.

"скъпа." I smiled at his gruff voice as he began to walk toward his fellow students. (Darling.)

'He's a brave one to do that in front of the whole school.'

Dumbledore motioned for durmstrang to sit down after greeting the headmaster. Most of them went to sit at slytherin, but Victor came to sit next to me. I motioned for the twins to scoot down.

"How was your trip, скъпа?" He asked me. I smiled at him.

'I seem to be smiling a lot with him.'

"My trip was fine. You were the one who arrived by boat. A longer journey than me." He nodded.

"True. But the company was not as good as when I'm with you." I giggled while as he gave me a pointed look.
'Did I just freaking giggle?'

We continued to talk throughout dinner, not really paying attention to the stares we were getting from everyone.

"Excuse me?" I turned to look at Adeline while Krum was turned talking to one of the twins.
"What's up with that?" She motioned to Victor. I tilted my head and gave her a rosy smile.
"We've been getting to know one another. That's all."
"You are totally flirting with him." I shook my head.
"We aren't flirting." She gave me a look, and I turned to see Victor smiling at me.
"Okay, so we are flirting." I said, smiling back at him. He winked and turned back to the twins


"About halfway through the end of the meal, a man with only one good eye and one good leg came into the hall through a side door. The ceiling suddenly started to storm and rain until he struck it was his wand, making it stop.

Dumbledore went over to greet him and gave me a look. We would need to talk.

I turned to Adeline in confusion.
"Who is that?"
"Alastor moody or mad eye moony. Number one wizard catcher and aurora for the ministry. He's supposedly the best there is." I nodded and turned back to look at him.

"He seems a little out of sorts??" I asked the table. Everyone voiced their agreement, and I felt a warm sensation in my hand. Looking down, I saw Victor's hand in mine. I blushed and looked away like I didn't care. I could tell he saw it by the way he squeezed my hand lightly.

"After due consideration... the ministry has concluded that for your own safety, no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the tournament." I turned in shock to see Crouch Senior, making the announcement that I could have sworn a higher age limit. Maybe the minister decided to lower it again? We agreed on 18. Now Victor is able to compete!

The shouts of the students around the room arose with everyone yelling at Crouch.
"That's rubbish!" I turned to Fred and George.
"Enough." They both stopped, and I looked about the room.

"Silence!" I turned to Dumbledore, who uncovered the Goblet. A bright blue fire came out of it. Comparable to the fire of the druids.

"The Goblet of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves, need only write their name on a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this very hour thursday night. Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there is no turning back. As of this moment, the triwizard tournament has begun."

Saying his good nights, Victor kissed my hand once more before heading back to the ship with his schoolmates. We all had begun to go back to our common rooms.

It was late when I returned to my dorm after reading for a while. I had talked for a while with Morgana before laying on my bed to play with Merlin. His giant chew toys were all over the room. He practically tore everyone apart. He still acted like a kitten. He was, after all, only four years old.

I felt a voice enter my head.
'You should sleep, mistress.' I smiled at Merlin and shook my head.
Over this last break, our bond had full grown to mature. We could communicate through our minds should we want to. We never usually had a need unless there was an actual reason.

"What do you think of Victor?" I asked him.
'He talks funny and smells nice. He isn't mean.'

I gave him a smile and got under the covers. He jumped up on top of the bed and lay on top of me.

"Uggghh, you know I hate when you do that. You're too heavy!" I whined. He purred and rubbed his head on me.
"You're such a dork." I said magically, turning off the lights. I kissed his head and fell asleep to the sound of his purring.

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