Chapter 9: Sirius Black

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Hagrid introduced us to Buckbeak a hippogriff. Harry and I were the only ones to stay standing forward while everyone shuffled back.

"Your Majesty.." Sir Samuel stepped forward. I waved him off.

"Give him a bow guys. Wait till he bows back." Harry bowed while I remained standing. I made eye contact with the hippogriff. I could feel my eyes turning gold. A sure sign of my magic as I had learned from Sir Samuel. I didn't even know they did that.
"Celeste listen to him!" I heard Samuel yell worryingly.

Eventually buckhead bowed back at Harry and I.
"Well done Ma'am. We'll done Harry." Now it's time for you to ride him."

That was my question to step back.
"Uh that's a no." I told Hagrid. He seemed pretty sad about it but was still happy Harry went.


Eventually Harry came back and Draco decided it was a good time to try to ride him without bowing like Harry did.

"You big ugly brute-" It lifted up on its hind legs and scratched Dracos arm. Immediately I was worried and motioned for Sir Samuel but he refused.

"To do that shows weakness after what you did earlier. I mean no disrespect. I just won't save a man that has insulted your or your brother." I nodded understandingly. Hagrid would take him to the hospital wing anyway.


I wrote to Lucius immediately using a random owl from the school.

Lord Lucius Malfoy of the noble and ancient house of Malfoy,

Your son has been injured due to an accident at school. A hippogriff scratched his arm due to his inexperience and arrogance. As an Heir I expected more from a possible ally for the future. Keep note that I will from this day on, I will be considering your place and your family's in the Wizarding world. You have until my coronation. Yule of next year, to prove to me that you deserve a spot in the Wizengamot.

Sincerely, Her Majesty Celeste Peverell-Potter Pendragon of the ancient and noble house of Pendragon. Future ruler of the Wizarding world.

That ought to get his attention.


My next class the following day other than my ettiiqute class, was DADA. My godfathers class.

"Repeat after me...riddikulus."
"Riddikulus." The class said back.

I stood off to the side with Sir Samuel. Inside of the cupboard was a bogart. I was still thinking if I should participate or not.

I listened to my godfather and the way he worked with the class. He was amazing. He knew my father, but more importantly he knew my mother.

"Uh, neville." He motioned for the boy to step forward.
"What do you most fear?" I gawker at the question. He was afraid of alot of things.

"Professor snape." He stuttered out.
Everyone laughed.
"Yes he frightens us all."

"I believe you live with your grandmother."
"Yes but I don't want it to turn into her either." He cried.

"Wand at the ready." He announced.

Remus whispered something into Nevilles ear before opening the wardrobe.

Out stepped...professor Snape.

All of a sudden snap was wearing old lady clothes and carrying a red handbag. I laughed so hard I was tearing up. I would never forget this class.

I had decided that I would participate....mainly because I wanted to see what my biggest fear was. I new it could be Vernon but it could also be Voldemort. I also thought of the dementor we saw. Then finally it was my turn.

It turned coronation crown.

The crown sat there on the floor till I said the spell...then it turned into a clown hat.

A little confused and a little nervous I left the classroom, Merlin following at me heels.


The next few days led up to the visit to hogsmead something both Harry and I were unable to attend. But this would become irrelevant due to the events later that night.

We were walking to the commonroom when we saw people gathered at the entrance.

"Excuse me I'm head boy!" I could see Percy making his way through the crowd. Getting a weird feeling I turned to Sir Samuel who automatically nodded and went to investigate. The three other guards behind us stepping forward.

"No one is to enter this dorm until it has been fully searched!" Percy announced.

Ginny made her way to us.
"The fat lady she's gone!"
I watched as Sir Samuel turned to look at me. Behind him was a torn painting. Clawed apart.

"Sir Samuel.." I whispered as I took a step back. He murmured something to one of the knights and he took off while Sir Samuel stood beside me.

"Don't leave my side you majesty." I nodded and took deep breaths.

Sirius wouldn't hurt harry...right?
I looked around at all of the paintings they were all upset and talking all at once.

"Move! Move!" Mulitple knights arrived with the headmaster and they all surrounded me.

"Mr.filch! Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search everypaining in the castle." Dumbledore ordered.

"There is no need professor. She's right there." Immediantly every student and knight was moving that direction causing me to go that way too.

"Dear lady...who did this to you?"
"Eyes like the devil, he's got! And a soul as dark as his name. It's him headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here somewhere in the castle. Sirius black!" She shrieked.

I turned to the knights and headmaster.
"Sir Samuel, send out the order. Secure the castle and bring me Sirius Black. Everyone to the great hall." I nodded to the headmaster and was escorted to change in my dorm before heading down.

It was just in time that we made it to the great hall, the army had arrived. Another fifty men now surrounded the castle a battalion of twenty now joined the twenty five I already had. Ninty five men now protected me and the students.

I sat in a teacher chair as student began to fall asleep in their sleeping bags. The griffindors had placed heating charms on the sleeping bags for other students. The first years of every house slept closest to me near the back of the great hall.

"Have the teachers finished their sweep of the castle?" I asked as Dumbledore made his way to me.

"Yes. There is no sign of him." I sighed and motioned for Sir Samuel.

"Call back the guard. I want men at the door of every dormitory. Every class during the day. Every house gets at least fifteen men. I want this castle on lock down until I say otherwise."

"Yes your majesty." He bowed and left with his orders.
"You haven't spoken to me once since I've attended here. Why?" I asked Dumbledore.

"You needed to learn to have power before I could show you how to use it." My face must have meant that I didn't understand but he simply smiled.

"You will realize next year what I mean." I nodded and stood up.
"Where will you sleep?" He asked me.

I nodded to the first years.
"With them. They need someone to watch over them." I layed out my large purple sleeping bag and spelled a pillow to appear for the first years as well as extra heated blankets. The floor of the great hall was cold. I didn't want any of them to get sick.

"You will be a great queen Celeste." I turned to see Snape standing there.

"Thank you, Sir."

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