Chapter 8: Dementor

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      The minister had sent an owl to Sir Samuel, who showed up within the hour. Again, he was not happy that I had left without telling him.

  The minister and I also spoke about Dolores for quite some time. He claimed that she was acting in the ministry's defense, and I claimed that snooping in places she shouldn't, it would end up getting her killed. He argued against me on that. To which I asked him which one he would prefer....his hands or his tongue.

"I don't understand." He said, shaking his head.
"Which would you rather keep?" I clarified.. He seemed pretty startled at that.

He sat for a good two minutes, probably wondering if I was serious.
"If you don't choose. Merlin will decide for you." A low growling sound came from my dearest friend.

"I-I...please! Your Majesty!" He started to shake as the growing cat grew closer.

"Dolores learns her lesson tomorrow, see to it. I have fourteen seats in the wizengamot. She has three. I advise you to keep her under control. I've been told that she was looking into my brother. I don't take kindly to snooping. Especially when it comes to my family."

With that warning said, I left the room. My brother and I slept peacefully together for the first time in a few months. Sir Samuel guarded my door like the loyal man he was.


The next morning, I was up first and downstairs for breakfast. I was currently listening to Ron and Hermoine argue.

"I'm warning you. Keep that thing away from scabbars."
"It's a cat Ronald what do you expect? It's in his nature..."
"A cat is that what they told you?" Ron asked her.
"It looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me." That was mean, Ron.

"Harry!" I looked up from my book to see my brother smiling at his friends as he decended the stairs.

He was dressed in fresh clothes from yesterday as was I. Dressed in a nice red simple cocktail dress and silver heels.

Over breakfast, we talked about Ron's trip to Egypt. They went on a family vacation.

"You aren't bragging again, are you Ron?" I smiled at the twins as they walked in the room. They sat next to me, bowing their heads.
"Good morning, Celeste." They said in tune.
"Good morning, boys." I said, looking back down at my book. This one was about dueling.

I greeted the weasley parents as they came in. They hovered over Harry for a moment, making sure he had everything he needed for school. I watched as Mr.Weasley pulled my brother away. I had already read his mind like I did the ministers. Sirius Black was his godfather. He is coming after Harry. I've already spoken to Sir Samuel about having extra guard shifts around the castle.


As we boarded the train, a man was asleep in the compartment. When Ron had asked who the man was, Hermoine said,
"Professor R.J.Lupin." I swung my head in his direction.
'That's my godfather.'

"How is it she knows everything?" Ron asked.
"It's on his suitcase, Ronald." She taunted.

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asked.
"Why?" Hermoine questioned.

Harry stood up and closed the door before sitting next to me.

Over the next few hours, Harry told us everything. Sirius black was coming for him. Suddenly, the wheels on the train halted, and the door to our compartment flew open. Sir Samuel pushed me into the corner and used his body to shield mine, facing the doorway his wand out.

Out of instinct, my golden wand was in my hand as well. There was a hard jolt, and the train moved back and forth before the lights went out.
"What's going on, Samuel?" I whispered.

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