Chapeter 6: Lucius

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During breakfast we got our letters for hogwarts. Dumbledore must have known we would be here at the Weasley house hold.

It was then decided that we would go to diagon alley. I had decided to apparate instead with Sir Samuel, as I had to change before we left. Apparently it wasn't proper for me to be seen in citizens clothes anymore.

I had decided over the summer that I would have to start observing traditions in greetings. I was not the best with my social skills.

After getting some new robes and having them delivered to my trunk, I asked Sir Samuel to take me to get my books.
It wasn't long before we entered the store.

I was forced to stop in the doorway as a man with long blonde hair was blocking my way. His back was to me and if I leaned to the side, he was talking to....the weasleys?

It looked like he was insulting my friends and little brother...time to be a little dramatic.

"Red hair, vacant expressions, tatty second hand must be the weasleys."

I motioned Sir Samuel forward.
"Announce me." I sent into his thoughts. Over the summer I had been learning legilimency.


I nearly fell over laughing at some of their expressions, but then regained my composure as the man jumped out of the way.

I observed the group infront of me. My brother, Hermione, the Weasleys, and Draco? Ah, this must be his father.

"Your Majesty." The man bowed and I extended my hand for a kiss.
"Please carry on your conversation but may I remind you Lord Malfoy, he is my brother and that makes him an Heir. We wouldn't want a blood feud now...would we?" I turned back to Harry and looked him over. He was just a little startled.

"I believe you were in the middle of insulting my brother and his friends, correct?"

The man began stuttering.
"I-I meant no offense, Ma'am." He bowed again.

"Certainly not." I turned to Draco.
"I need my books. Escort me Heir Malfoy." I demanded. I turned my back to him and began walking.

I heard his footsteps fall into place along with Sir Samuel's. Draco of course being an Heir to a noble house, offered me his arm.

We didn't speak, not until I had collected all of my books and had them delivered.

At the door of the shop I stopped and turned to look him in the eye.

"If you ever let your father speak to my brother that way again, he will lose his job and you...your fortune."


The next day, we were off to hogwarts. I had made it to the train where unlike first year, Sir Samuel guarded and stood outside of my compartment.

It wasn't until half way through my book did the door open. I looked up to see Sir Samuel and Hermoine.
"Celeste, have you seen Harry?" I shook my head.
"He and Ron were right behind me for the train." She soon left and I heard another knock but this time it was Draco. I nodded to Sir Samuel to let him in.

"You may sit." I motioned to the seat across from me.

"I just wanted to apologize again. My father he meant no offense to you or your family...truly." I nodded my understanding. I was still upset. Malfoy seemed to crack a grin at me.

"I was wondering.." I tilted my head in curiosity.

"Why don't you wear your crown?" I frowned at the question.
"It's supposedly for only formal occasions." I said.
"I think you would look pretty." Did he just compliment me?

I sat my book down and really looked at him. Maybe he wasn't so bad?


The next few hours consisted of us talking and laughing. We had actually become understanding of each other's life.

He had become somewhat protective of me and didn't let his cronies sit with us when they came looking for him. I could see Sir Samuel sending me an approving look. Maybe he was a good ally to have?


Draco escorted me off of the train with Merlin by my side, and into the great hall. He was surprisingly sweet. I just hoped he wasn't doing this because of his father.

I sat at the head of the griffendor table and watched as the older years turned my way nervously. I think this year was time for me to begin picking my court. Of course for Morgana to approve they would have to come from well known families and know certain customs.

"Weasley twins." I motioned at a first year who took off down the table to get them.

Once they arrived, I had them sit down.
"I'm beginning to create my court. And I've decided that you both are to be my enforcers. You are both of the Weasley line, originated from the Prewett line. Plus, your mischievous. "

One by one I held my appointments during dinner. As of now this was my court.

My second in command and advisor was Adeline Avery. She was a fifth year, pureblood, very pretty, and smart.

My two handmaidens were Belvina Burke and Isobel MacDougal. Again Pretty, smart, and pureblood. Not to mention both families were neutral in the war.

The twins were my enforcers.

"Ms. Pendragon..." I turned to see Professor Snape.
"Yes professor?" I asked as I motioned the first year away with a smile.
"You are aware that your classes this year are to be extended, yes?"

I gave him a confused look.
"Morgana believed it to be beneficial for you to learn more math and etiquette this year. As well as, your new dressing and dance teacher." I gave him an accepting nod.

"Her name is Ms.Kama. Pureblood as per tradition and very good. You will see her after normal classes every other day. After you see her then you will come to me. I've been asked to teach you occlumency this year."

'I guess they already wrote my schedule for me.'


The next year I learned everything I could think of. Including the patronus charm. I had read about it and had to learn. Sir Samuel had agreed to teach me but only under the condition that I did it under observation. Snape, Ms.Kama, and Sir Samuel all helped to teach me. Needless to say my patronus was a lion.

I had learned how to dress in public, talk with more power, walk with a type aura, and last but not least dance. Sir Samuel was my partner. I think Merlin enjoyed watching us. He seemed to like the music.

Harry of course had saved the school again. He told me the details of Tom riddle and how he was actually Lord voldemort.

I also learned of the working of the London ministry of magic. Of course, I also ruled of the American, European, and Western ministry's.


(Now we start to get detailed.)

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