Chapter 10:Contracts

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(A/N: This is Adeline to the right)

  Over the next few days, I found some interesting things out. One, my Godfather was a werewolf. Two, Lucius malfoy was an idiot. And three, Harry got attacked again, but this time by dementors.

Solving the second issue with lucius was easy. I simply sent a letter to the ministry. Lucius malfoy just lost another three seats at the wizengamot. That was for buckbeak.

Solving the third issue was trickier. I put guards on my brother. He wasn't happy but after a few days he understood. Especially when we started a snowball fight against malfoy in hogsmead.

But currently, I sat stirring my tea on the second floor of the three broomsticks. The minister had called a meeting between me, McGonagall, and himself.

"That's all that was left of Pettigrew!" The minister continued on. It had been this way for ten minutes. Sirius black is dangerous. Lalalala. 

"Sirius may not have put his hands to the potters, but he's the reason they're dead!" McGonagall added.

"And now he wants to finish what he started." He told me.
"I don't believe it." I told them.

"Oh, that's not the worst of it... Sirius black was and to this day remains Harry's godfather!" I sat there soaking it all in when suddenly the door blew open. Harry now knew.


"Were you aware that your brother is taking lessons from your godfather in the spell to ward off dementors."I stopped walking with Merlin to look at Sir Samuel. I thought on it as I began walking again.

"It's about time he learned." I nodded.
I looked down at Merlin. He was getting so big that I had to take him off of the leash. Soon, he would be big enough to ride. We was almost to my mid body.

"Merlin....find Harry." With those words, he took off to find my brother. He has been disappearing on me lately, so whenever I needed him, I sent Merlin.


Harry never came back with Merlin. He seemed to want to be away from me right now. It was understandable. He had a lot on his plate.

I made my way to the dining hall for dinner with Merlin by my side. Sitting down next to Adeline, I snapped my fingers. A house elf appeared, and I motioned to Merlin.
"His food if you please?" It wasn't thirty seconds later that a rack of lamp was set in front of him on a silver plate.

It was halfway through the meal that a great horned owl flew into the hall and landed on the table in front of me. Holding out its foot, I gave it some bacon, and it left.

The crest was of the Malfoys.

Your Majesty,
I'm pleased to inform you that the trial went spectacularly. The minister will be there tomorrow to oversee the execution. I would also like to apologize personally for my son's behavior, and I would like to invite you to dinner at the manor should your schedule allow it. I shall await your reply.

Sincerely, Lord Lucius Malfoy of the noble and ancient house of Malfoy.

I folded the note and put it in my pocket. All was going according to plan.

I looked over to Draco, who was laughing with his friends. He was somehow getting more handsome every year. Too bad he was such a prat.

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