Chapter 24: Protection

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   I arrived at Hogsmeade and was immediately spotted by one of my knights.

"My queen!" He ran over and stopped in front of me.
"We've been searching everywhere a young girl has been cursed by a dark object. Sir Samuel immediately set out to find you when you weren't I your dowm." He began taking me back to the castle. More knights found us and also helped in the escort. Well this should go well.


"Are you crazy!?" Albus yelled as he paced in his office.
"Entirely reckless! Not a care for the Wizarding world I tell you! Not one!" Sir Samuel yelled from another seat.
"See?" Snape merely asked with a raised eyebrow when I walked in.

I looked to another seat where Draco sat quietly.
"Where were you?" Sir Samuel asked.
"I was taking care of something." Immediately I felt pushing on my mental wall. I glared at Albus.

"Try that again I dare you," I said in a quiet voice.

"You left the safety of the castle! I was told you apparated into Hogsmeade? You could've been killed, injured, or kidnapped! We never would have known. The Wizarding world would fall apart. Ministries would fall...what were you thinking? Do you have any idea-"

"Enough!" I yelled. I hugged and sat beside Draco who was slouching in his chair.

"I was in a meeting. It is not any of you three's places to question me." I motioned to the three grown men. Draco was purposely left out of that statement.

"I'm aware of what I did. And I did it on purpose. He wouldn't have met me otherwise."

"He?" I heard Draco's voice rumble aloud to the room.
"Voldemort." Everyone stood still for a moment except Draco who shot up out of his feet to kneel in front of me. He grabbed my hands.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head. He sighed and hugged me. He was that tall as I was only 5'3.

I guess I was forgiven now?

"What pray tell was said?" Snape asked. Draco moved to sit next to me and wrapped his arm around me in a comforting manner.

"I simply gave him a choice. Said the choice is between him and me. Should he choose right there will be no war."

"And if he does?" Albus inquired looking curious.
"Then I will handle it, Albus. Do you have no faith in my power?" I asked him. I looked around the room.

"No one here doubts your power, my queen. We merely worry for your safety." Sir Samuel pointed out.

"Well, then you will be pleased to know that I was fine. Speaking of protection." I waved my hand and a piece of paper appeared on the desk.

"Snape. Sign it." I pointed. He walked over and began to read the contract.

"By signing it you will come under protection from the crown. You will essentially have a form of immortality. Such as Sir Samuel." I motioned to him. The knight looked shocked at what was in front of him.

"How many have you done?" Samuel asked me.
"This would be the fifth so far."

"Why would I need this?" Snape motioned to the contract.

"So that you don't die," I said happily.
With that, he signed on the dotted line.

I looked to Albus who nodded his head.
"You didn't have me sign it...because I'm already dying." I sighed.

"Meeting dismissed," I announced as I walked out with Draco.


The next morning Draco and I sat on the train. His family and Zambini were to be moved to the Potter mansion temporarily. It was closer and they would be safe from Tom. It was spelled with protected enchantments set by the Goblins the day I accepted my new title before the first year began.

And just to be sure I would be sending Merlin with Draco. I on the other hand would be with the Weasleys. The long bottoms would move to their ancestral home for safety just in case as I had sent a letter.

Harry didn't accept Draco but he would have to deal with it and me.

"I love you, darling." Draco whispered as he gave me a goodbye kiss on the platform. I walked over to the Weasleys. I had decided on muggle clothes while I stayed with them.

I walked over to Molly Weasley. She was the only one who knew I was coming. She was also the Weasley that signed the contract. I only required one person to sign to protect their line.

"What is she doing here?" Harry asked as he walked over.
"Just what we were gonna ask." The twins joined in from behind their mother. They had left school last year.

"She will be staying with us for a few days." She informed the group of Weasleys and my brother.

"Why?" Fred asked.
"We will explain when we arrive home. Come along now!" She motioned for everyone to get going.

"But she's-"
"Enough." She snapped before smiling at me.
"Come dear let's get some tea in you." I nodded in agreement as we made it out of the platform.


Once we got back to the burrow questions were being fired at Missus Weasley the whole time she got me a cup of tea and handed it to me. She simply ignored them before sitting down on another couch.

"Well?" They all chimed.
"The entire Weasley is under my lines protection meaning that your all have to either serve or be allies with my family for the rest of your lives....which are now practically immortal." I turned to Molly.
"Did I miss anything?" I asked her sarcastically as we both took sips of our tea.

They sat there for a good minute and I could see everyone was mostly confused except my brother. He was pissed.

"How?" Ginny asked.
"She signed a magical bonding contract tieing you all of the Weasley line to me. It is bound by name. Forever it's also unbreakable." I pointed out.

"Did you tell your husband yet?" I asked her. She nodded as she refilled our cups.

"How long are you staying?" Harry asked. He seemed to have calmed a bit but still looked upset.

"Four days." He looked suspicious.
"Why exactly four?"
"Because it's one more than three," I said vaguely.

"Molly I can magically create a room as long as you tell me where. Also, do you mind if I step outside?" She nodded knowing what I was going to do.


Ginny's POV*

Who did she think she was just coming in here? Why would mom sign the contract and how is she so secretive? My mother never hides things from us. We're immortal now? Why is she being so nice to us when we took Harry's side in things?

--------Back to Celeste--------

I stood outside the burrow with my wand out. I was stronger with Morgana's wand. These spells were harder for me. They were the strongest wards I've ever placed.

I used most of my magical core to protect the house for the next three days. It would continue to drain from me but I could withstand it for a little while. For harry, I would do it. I know he wasn't pleased with me but he is still my brother. I still love him. 

The wards would be taken down at 8 pm on the third night. Now I was just left to hope Tom did the right thing.

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