Chapter 25: Choices

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The next morning was slow nothing eventful happened. I had Sir Samuel guarding Potter Manor just incase of attack.

"Why do you keep staring out the window?" Harry asked.
"Because your all in danger." I answered honestly. I saw Molly look up from her knitting.

"What?" Ron asked.
"Danger? Surely Voldemort wouldn't attack now?" Hermoine chimed in. She had arrived this morning.

"Unless someone provoked him," Harry concluded aloud. Everyone looked back at me.
"There was a meeting," I told them calmly. I didn't want any panic.
"What have you done?" The twins asked.

"What hasn't she done?" Harry voiced.
"What is that meant to mean?" I looked him in the eye. He pushed mentally and I pushed back. I could feel my eyes glow gold.

'Enough!' I said once I pushed through.

"You aren't stronger than me Harry. You caught me off guard that day. I trusted you enough to have my walls down." I informed him as he held his forehead.

"What happened in this meeting?" Hermoine asked.

"I simply gave him a choice," I informed them with a small smile.

"Did you threaten him?" Harry glared.
"A little," I admitted.
"But mostly I told him that he either left everyone unharmed and renounced his ways or die."

Everyone looked in shock.
"Did he say no? Is that why we are in danger?" Ginny asked.
"No. I gave him time to think about it. Three days exactly. I required his answer after that." With that, the questions ended but every so often someone would ask another.

The next three days went without interruption and then on the third night, I received a Patronus. A blue ball swirled in the living room. And I stood to step closer to it.

"Never!" I faintly heard a voice hiss.

I looked to the rest of the household that was standing the front door walking out my godfather and tanks.

"Get away from the door!" Suddenly I saw a wave of flames light up the lawn in front of the house. I looked at the clock. It was 8:02.

I ran outside while bringing out my wand. There stood Bellatrix the aunt of Draco and the one who killed Sirius.

Harry bolted past everyone.
"Harry no!" I yelled. He took off after her and soon Ginny followed. I was still weak due to the wards and I wasn't at full strength. Then I remember reading something in Morgana's first diary. That our line can call upon the magic of the earth. Maybe I could siphon?

I stepped back as the men began to duel with the fire.

I crouched down and put my hand on the dirt closing my eyes.

"Help me," I whispered. Suddenly I felt the ground shift under my feet and stood up. My eyes were burning a bright gold.

Try this on for size.

With a wave of my hand, the fire in front of us diminished and most of the adults took off except for Molly and me. The rest of the family was here and we needed to guard the house or we would be out in the open.

Suddenly a black mass came my way and I deflected it but Molly missed the other one and it crashed into the house causing it to explode and catch on fire. We then missed another that destroyed the other side of the house.

"Accio family albums, trunks, and pets." I pointed my wand and everything flew out.

I turned to the group that had just gotten back. I looked at Molly.

"It will be repaired. For now, you must come back to the Potter mansion it has wards up that won't-"
"No." Harry walked toward me at a brisk pace.
"Harry-" I felt a burning sensation on the left side of my face. My head snapped to the right.

"It's always been your fault!"

With that, I stepped back and grabbed hold of my trunk. I nodded goodbye before apparating.


I don't know where I landed. I was in the middle of nowhere with my trunk and my wand. It was like when I was ten years old all over again.

I tried to walk around to see where I was and came across a Hogsmeade? There were currently no people but I knew that the three broomsticks would be open.

I dragged my trunk to the dimly lit bar and went in.

"What can I get ya?" A man asked behind the bar.

"Something to make me drunk," I told him. I sat my trunk next to me and sat down on a stool.

You are the queen. Can't exactly say no." I smiled amusedly.
"I'm in muggle clothes and I'm not wearing a crown and there are no guards so what gave me away?" I asked taking a sip before grimacing.

"That's very strong." I commented.
"It was your trunk ma'am." I squinted at him. I had forgotten that it had the royal crest on the front. Clever man.

"Well at least one of us is paying attention." I told him as I took another drink.

"If you don't mind me asking ma'am, should I be planning for your guards to come charging through here as they did four days ago?"  He asked cleaning a glass. I shook my head.
"I doubt anyone knows I'm gone. And for right now it's going to stay that way." I informed him as I finished the drink. I put it down before tapping the glass for a refill. He filled it apprehensively.

"The person who did that to your cheek. Are they gonna get some karma?" He inquired nodding to the tender side of my face. It still stung and most likely would bruise before school starts tomorrow.

"If you don't mind Mr.Bartender...could I stay here for the night? The wards won't let me through into the school and I'd rather stay somewhere with a roof over my head if you'd please." He nodded before motioning to a staircase.

"It's not much but I've got a room upstairs no bed but a comfy sofa. Hopefully that's well enough your majesty." I smiled great full at the man.
"What's your name sir?"
"Quil. But my sister is the owner of this place. Madam rosmerta is the name." I nodded and would mentally promise to help this place out.

"Thank you sir." I wandlessly charmed my trunk to follow me up the stairs...just doing that magic alone was draining.

As soon as I was up the stairs I set it inside the door. Shutting it and locking it, I got to work.

Digging through my trunk I grabbed a pair of muggle clothes that would be comfy to sleep in and rolled up one of my cloaks as a pillow. I used another as a blanket. Satisfied I stumbled over to the sofa and layed down.

And just like that I was out like a light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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