Chapter 13: Cheater

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   Most of the next few days were spent in my ettiiqute classes, and the changing of my wardrobe was added. Ms. Kama decided only dresses and heels were to be worn for the rest of my time at school. I would no longer be a full student but of a higher class.

I barely had time to speak to Victor, but when I did, he was the greatest gentleman. He had given me flowers that were spelled to never die and a new green cloak.

However, thursday soon approached, and I knew he had not yet put his name in. So on the last night, Merlin and I, along with everyone else, in the great hall after the feast had been cleared. Person after person put their name in including the twins..well, they attempted to. I waited another ten minutes until finally Victor entered the room.

Most of everyone had left, but I sat there as he put his name in. Was I worried? Yes. Was I in the position to do something about it? No. I didn't even know how far I wanted this to go.

"Come on, Merlin, back to the room." I stood and made my way out after he turned back to his headmaster.


Friday night was the night we all gathered into he great hall where the Goblet of Fire would choose the three champions. I, as one of the judges, stood in front of the teachers desk with Merlin sat proudly by my side.

"Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The champion selection!" Dumbledore announced. I lifted my hand, and as it made its way across the room, the lit fires dulled to embers. The only fire still lit was the Goblet.

Dumbledore stepped forward as the light began to glow red.
Suddenly, a piece of paper was spat out of the fire, and Dumbledore caught it.

"The durmstrang champion is....Victor Krum." I felt my heart sink into a hole in my stomach. The only one I've ever actually liked might die. Perhaps I'm meant to lead by myself.

He cheered and walked past the teachers bowing to me before entering the room at the back of the hall. The fire lit red again, spitting another piece out.

"The champion for beauxbatons is...Fleur Delacour." One of the veelas stood up and made her way to the teachers. She bowed gracefully towards me before walking to the back.

"The hogwarts champion is....Cedric Diggory!"I clapped as he made his way up and bowed before making his way back.

"Excellent, we now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions. This vessel of victory. The triwizard cup." He pointed the cup that was unveiled by my right.

I took a step forward and turned my attention to the Goblet of Fire. Was it choosing another champion?

Sir Samuel across the hall looked confused. He's been alive since Morgana, so this has never happened if he doesn't know about it.

"Harry potter!" I shook my head.
"No." I turned to Crouch with a desperate look.
"Harry potter?" Dumbledore asked the room. Everyone was looking around the room.

"Harry potter!" He screamed.
Suddenly, from the back corner was my brother standing up and walking forward.

Everyone quietly watched as he had mad his way towards us before they all started shouting. I stepped forward before he could bow and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I motioned for him to go to the back room.
'Merlin. With Harry.'
He quickly padded after him.

I turned to look over the faces of the teachers before going after him into the back room, followed by Dumbledore and everyone else.

"Everything is a conspiracy with you!" They began arguing.
"Quiet, I can't think!" Dumbledore said as we descended the stairs.
"Harry potter!" The large woman yelled.
"I protest!" Someone shouted.
"Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore asked, grabbing him by the arms. I hushed Merlin as he growled a little. He was protective of my brother, too.

"No, sir!"
"Did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?" He asked, pushing my brother back, still having my brother in his grasp.
"No, sir." Harry gasped.
"Are you sure?" He asked again.
"He said no! That's enough, Albus." I told him as I approached.
"But of course he is lying!" The large woman said.

"The hell he is!" Moody defended.
"The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful object only a powerful Confucius charm could have hoodwinked it."

"Exactly. Magic way beyond the magic of a fourth year." I added. Igor Kakaroff turned to me.
"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, your majesty." He rounded on me.
"Watch your tongue lest you want to lose it headmaster." I warned him.

"This doesn't help Igor!" I turned to Crouch, who came in with us.
"Tell me there is a way out of this, Barty." I pleaded.
"The rules are absolute. They go back before your rule. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a magical binding contract. He has no choice. As of this night, he is a triwizard champion."

I turned and stormed out of the room, Merlin, and my knights followed close behind me. The man I like is fighting against my little brother in a tournament filled with possible death.  Fantastic.


Later that night, I gathered with Snape, McGonagall, and Albus in his office.

"Put an end to it." Minerva pleaded him.
"Don't let Potter compete!" She told us.

"You heard Barty, the rules are clear."
"The devil with Barty and his rules. Since when did you accommodate the ministry?" She questioned him.
"Headmaster, I too find it difficult to believe this mere coincidence. However, if we are to truly discover the meaning of these events, perhaps we should...for the time being... let them unfold." Snape said.

"No." They turned to look at me.
"He will not compete." I said, brushing Merlins mane for comfort.
"What can't do that?" I heard from tell me.

"I look to you headmaster. Fix this."
He shook his head at me.
"This is one thing you can not control, dear. We must let him compete." I sighed and slumped in my chair.

"Moody. Keep an eye on my brother. Help him, but don't let him know you're doing so." I looked to Albus.
"They will all think he cheated. He will think he has no one." I told him in a sad tone.


Over the next few days, I spent time between Harry and Victor. I tried to support them both as they had begun to look into things for the first task.

In other news, Rita Skeeter was on the school grounds as well and was announcing the location and time of my coronation in the newspaper. She had insisted on being there and taking a photo for the announcement.

After the year was over, my coronation would be held in Camelot in the morning, followed by a day of circus and a full night's celebration. Security would be a nightmare, but I had Sir Samuel overlook all of those measures.

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